For reference, past ones have been:
I almost - close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades... and man love
Google *this*
Beavers and Bananas shouldn't date
This is > Eric's blog
I think there was one more, but can't remember. I'm expecting some creative ideas, especially from you Josh.
"Autobots!!! Transform and rollout!!!" - compliments of optimus prime from transformers
"Big Bucks, Big Bucks, No whammies, STOP!"
"And remember get your pets spayed or neutered. Please" - Bob Barker
hahahaha.... i second the press your luck quote, i loved that show =)
"Nick > rory"
Any donkey is a pinata if you like meat enough
Never get a handjob from a monkey, you don't know where their hands have been.
Spam Keeping Hawaiian's fat since the forty's
Don't let your kids play with matches! ( Unless you don't like the woods, or the sight of a crying bear gives you an erection)
"Madness?! THIS IS BLOOOOOOGGGGGGG!!!" *kick in chest*
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