Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Crazy Obstacle Course

This is an impressive display of athleticism, I'm convinced this guy is a professional gymnast and not a fisherman. As stated in the description, this guy is only the second to finish the course out of over 500 attempts. I don't know where they come up with these game show ideas, they must have built this course just to watch people fall and hurt themselves.


Nick D said...

Ok that was just crazy. Talk about upper body strength. I probably could not go up stairs as fast as he climbed up to that final goal. Good post eric.

Jae said...

Wow, that was awesome. I happened to catch one of these shows on tv once and saw someone get to the final obstacle course but couldn't get up the rope in time.

Probably helps that this guy weighs like a buck twenty. I hope he enjoys the lifetime supply of sushi that he won.

Andrew said...

I actually saw one episode with the American Gymnast guy, Paul Hamm, from Wisconsin who won the Gold Medal in the All-Around at the last Olympics. You remember the guy, he won the medal in a controversial way, i think he even had a twin brother that was also on the Olympic team. Paul did not even finish the first course on his first try.

Eric said...

I just checked on your weight comment Jae, and it is displayed in metric around the 7:30 remaining mark on the video. He's 5'4", 134 lbs... so yeah, he's small.

Adam said...

I don't even think I could make it across five feet of monkey bars. But then again I'm not making a career out of my athletic prowess. I just have to be good at ripping people's teeth from their heads. Anyone want to get a dental check-up??

Awesome post, Eric. Where are the bloopers though? That would be a joy to watch.

Logan said...

All fisherman can do that. What do you think I do on the boat all day?

Jae said...

Circle-jerk comes to mind. Isn't homosexuality rampant among sailors? ;)

Nick D said...
