Guess what game I just downloaded. The one and only ROGUE SPEAR! I was playing that after having a few too many birthday beers. I still remember all the buttons. What a fantastic game.
We've been playing "Gears of War", you don't need a wireless adapter, it has an ethernet card. That is unless you are stealing you neighbor's wireless internet :P.
Then just get a subscriptio $60/yr. Chris & Josh also have live now. We need to figure out a game we can all play, maybe Rainbow Six Vegas is the way to go.
Jae, you are correct in assuming I am stealing wireless;) Therefore, I believe I need the wireless adaptor. Anyway, I will work on getting this taken care of...I have recently made some big purchases, so after I recover financially...I will work on XBOX live.
Red turtle shells and spread gun FTMFW!! (For the mother-fuckin win)!
Guess what game I just downloaded. The one and only ROGUE SPEAR! I was playing that after having a few too many birthday beers. I still remember all the buttons. What a fantastic game.
Sweet! On a related note...those with an XBOX 360...Rainbox Six Vegas is freakin awesome!!!
You need to get on Xbox Live, Bryan! I am sick of getting my ass kicked by Jae.
What do you guys play? And what exactly do I need...just the wireless adaptor for internet and buy a subscription?
We've been playing "Gears of War", you don't need a wireless adapter, it has an ethernet card. That is unless you are stealing you neighbor's wireless internet :P.
Then just get a subscriptio $60/yr. Chris & Josh also have live now. We need to figure out a game we can all play, maybe Rainbow Six Vegas is the way to go.
Yeah, figure out a game or two that we can all play. I don't mind spending some cash if it means we can play something online.
Jae, you are correct in assuming I am stealing wireless;) Therefore, I believe I need the wireless adaptor. Anyway, I will work on getting this taken care of...I have recently made some big purchases, so after I recover financially...I will work on XBOX live.
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