Thursday, April 26, 2007


Here is our new monster, pay special attention to the size of her paws. Her name is Jilly Bean, she hails from the Wal-Mart parking lot.

NFL Draft

Well ladies and Gents the NFL draft is this weekend where we can sit there and dedicate nearly a whole weekend to sitting on our ass and watching names pop on a screen and of course gaucking at Mel Kiper's hair. So be sure when you are sitting on your couches watching your big screen's (in J's case his hand held TV) sipping on your fine Busch Light with a hefty portion of Nachos and Pretzels, be sure to keep one eye open for me. I will be one of the few idiots dressed in BROWNS gear cheering/booing for the picks on saturday. I will gladly cheer or boo for your favorite team if they dont pick who you want just let me know.

Details: Start handing out tickets at 6AM able to get in line at 5AM. So will prob be leaving the apartment at 4:45ish. Doors open at 11 with the line starting at 10. It will be held in Radio City Music Hall. I plan to stay for the entirety of the first round depending on how board I get maybe the whole first day. And the price of admission....the wasting of a full day on nothing. FREE!!!!
Now the price of food and drink while in attendance I would rather not think about.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Home video taken for Jen's bro, excuse the mess

Quality of the video isn't great but it'll have to do for now.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Car Downgrade, Cashflow Upgrade

Used Civic Hybrid? ... check.
Lower payment? ....... check.
Lower insurance? ...... check.
~50 mpg? ................... check.

Some may even say this is an upgrade from my previous car, considering its green nature. I got it on Thursday but I'm just getting around to taking pictures of it today. I've driven it all over the place the past 3 days, putting about 300 miles on it using only a half a tank of gas! Not to mention I can finally get regular gas, my old one was premium only. So I'm the first one to go hybrid, what do you guys have to say about that?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Back on the net

So we finally got internet and tv back after almost a week without. I know, I know... some may call me a hero battling the forces of evil. I say I am just a man who had to move and, therefore, go without tv or internet for a week. Hall-of-fame worthy... maybe, legendary not quite.

Anyway we are officially moved into the new house as of last Friday. We have successfully unpacked most of the boxes and done about half of the painting that will be done. We are getting furniture delivered today so that will hopefully make it seem not so empty.

I will probably be taking a video to show the parents, so I'll post that when I get it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

NickVille lives on

Per the request of a certain individual i have dug up the site I created as freshman with the help of you guys. This site should be visited by males only. Dont worry gentlemen our dream lives on. I cant believe they have not taken it down yet. Yes its juvenile but I still think it can work.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

New Whip, now New Job

As some of you may know, I am leaving Capitol Hill and the office of Congressman Buchanan for greener pastures running a House of Delegates campaign in NOVA, Northern Virginia for you non-beltway types. I am really excited, we have a great team of consultants, a great candidate, and it is going to be a super tough election. My philosophy of "When in doubt, go negative," will get great use this year. The election is in November.
I am switching back to primarily using my personal cell phone. If you do not have it, I will be sending out a mass e-mail on Friday and that e-mail will have the number.

Friday, April 13, 2007


it's actually quite amusing:


--Go to

--Click on Maps.

--Click on Get Directions.

--From New York, New York

--To Paris, France.

--And read line # 23.

My Blog (again)

Like a pheonix rising from the ashes, a lame blog is reborn. Except this time I'm hoping I can keep it interesting and fresh, at least to the tech-minded. I need suggestions for potential names and styles, I'm trying to think of something professional, maybe even something that could fly as a company name, in the event that I use the root directory of the site to advertise web design services. (Yes Jae, if that were the case I would switch to a real host / domain name.) Anyway, leave comments here, there, both places, it doesn't matter.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Fo' Shiz, I remember most of these

Happy Birthday

Adam, Happy 25th. Good Luck with your mid-terms this week and I am really looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

You Damn Right...!

Some additions to the Blog

On the right side you'll see two new things:

News in your area, it pulls articles from google news given a list of searches. I figured a good thing to put would be each state where one of us lives. If I forgot any states, let me know and I can add it.

Random Video Clips, given a list of search words it will show a few youtube & google video movies. Right now I am searching (college football, basketball, fishing, florida, college, funny, motorcycles, action). If you can think of anything else to search, let me know.

Now you can spend your days at work doing even less things constructive!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Interesting Article

Article - "Pi is Wrong"

Came across a link to this article on digg today, and I thought it was pretty interesting. In short, this guy isn't saying the actual value of Pi is wrong, but that Pi should have been defined as 2Pi. In other words, instead of Pi being the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle, it would be the ratio between the circumference and the radius. It would have cleaned up the factor of 2 that appears in many formulas that use Pi. I especially like the analogy early in the article comparing radian measure to a clock, that is really the main point of the entire article.

Crazy Obstacle Course

This is an impressive display of athleticism, I'm convinced this guy is a professional gymnast and not a fisherman. As stated in the description, this guy is only the second to finish the course out of over 500 attempts. I don't know where they come up with these game show ideas, they must have built this course just to watch people fall and hurt themselves.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Where's the bunny?

Happy Easter everyone!!!
Hope everyone gets to enjoy the day...
unlike me, I will be working 2pm-1am....again. Yipee.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

New blog name contest

Let's hear some ideas for a new blog name / catchphrase.

For reference, past ones have been:
I almost - close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades... and man love
Google *this*
Beavers and Bananas shouldn't date
This is > Eric's blog

I think there was one more, but can't remember. I'm expecting some creative ideas, especially from you Josh.

Happy ME

Happy Birthday to me on Sunday. 25 for some reason sounds substantially older then 24. But i suppose I am just that much wiser. My thunder is being stolen this weekend by a certain man named Jesus. But being the good person I am I will take the back seat to him this weekend.

Let the birthday bash begin....WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Monday, April 02, 2007

UF owns OSU

What a game, OSU must hate us. Football and basketball taken from them in the same year.