Well I know these are not the best quality pictures. In fact, they are awful but what do you expect from a lousy camera-phone? Regardless, this is what I look like on my walk in the morning when it is freezing cold. I thought you all would get a kick out of it. I was toasty warm during my -16 degree walk with this gear on!

Thats just ridiculous..haha. You could murder somebody without anybody seeing a thing. Why dont you sack up and wear less clothes. Or maybe I am jealous I dont have clothes like that to wear. Either way nicely done.
Does everyone dress like that or are you just a little girly man?
When it is that cold and I am walking two miles. Girlie man. Actually most people take cabs or take the subway so they are the girlie men! (My auto-spellcheck thing apparently prefers girlie to girly...) I vow to never take the subway because of weather. I'm not giving the government of Mass. anymore money than I absolutely have to.
HAHA...that has to be the coolest thing ever. This weekend it was high 20's/low 30's and we wouldn't even go outside to sit by the bonfire. Hang in there you fuckin yanks!
Can someone tell me again why anybody lives up north? Not that we need anymore northerners moving down south, but really why? :)
Snow is pretty. Enough said.
....so is sand. Enough said.
Yo, you look like the little brother from "A Christmas Story"!
Dont buy into Adams propoganda. I love it up here and the fall was absolutely beautiful and the spring will be equally as beautiful. But in my opinion the winter sux balls. Snow is pretty but NYC has maybe gotten an inch the whole year. I cant wait for March so the temp climbs back into the do able 40's. Yeah warm weather.
I hate to break it to you Nick. Winter doesn't end until April. Even then we stand a chance of getting a random foot of snow which will proceed to melt and then it will get really cold and turn to ice. Welcome to the north. =)
And the reason we have no snow this year is because of man-bear-pig. I'm so serial.
Damn Man-Bear pig...doesnt he have the power to make spring come early???
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