Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple finally reveals iPhone

Check it out here: http://www.apple.com/iphone/. It will be available in June. Complete with iPod, phone, email, and web browser functions, wi-fi, bluetooth, mini-OSX w/ widgets, multi-touch widescreen display, accelerometers, proximity sensors... needless to say it's loaded. This is a groundbreaking piece of technology, watch some of the demos to get an idea of what I'm talking about. It's on the top of my wishlist, the only problem is it will cost the same as a PS3, $499 or $599, and that's with a 2-year contract! Oh well, I guess it'll have to stay on my wishlist...


Anonymous said...

I Heart Apple.

Adam said...

Too bad they are stealing people's trademarks to launch it:

For a company that is so big on its own proprietary rights, they sure don't mind stealing things from others. What a bunch of hypocrites. Apple sucks.

Eric said...

Adam, the lawsuit is only over the name "iPhone", it's not like their stealing existing proprietary technology or anything... for a company that names everything i-something, (iPod, iMac, iTunes, iDVD, iLife, iWork, etc.) it's not a surprise they want to use the name. Not to mention Cisco is the most ridiculous money-hungry company out there. Frivolous lawsuits suck.

Alex said...

I hope Cisco makes tons of money on this, so my stock value will go up! Hooray for money-hungry companies and their lawsuits!

Nick D said...

I ate an apple today

Jae said...

I ate your chocolate squirrel.

Nick D said...

Haha good one J...but you know i dont speak spanish

Amanda said...

Jesus we're only 4 days removed from college football and you're already going weirdo... hahaha