It was a clear, beautiful day here in Bradenton, but it quickly changed to a dark and dreary one in about 5 minutes as this ridiculously thick fog rolled in around 4:30 this afternoon. This is a picture from my office window, taken just before the fog reached the building. Normally you can see the new condo construction and the Civic Center along with most of Palmetto, and as I'm typing this all I can see is the fog, not even the trees in the bottom of the picture. Pretty wild, I've never seen fog this bad in the middle of the day like this.
This fog is crazy i walked in my house for ten minutes and come back out side and couldn't see 30 feet ahead of me.
I had that happen a couple weeks ago about 30 miles offshore. It was a long ride in staring at the radar screen.
thats crazy stuff...Jared I did not know you were old enough to use the computer.
Nick I didn't know you were smart enough to use a computer knowing that you went to Florida State. Plus atleast I can reach the keyboard without a booster seat shortie.
oooooooooh, SNAP!
That was harsh... don't stoop to his level, Nick. Or if you have to, at least stoop lower.
Stooping lower should not be hard being that I am short. But do I really want to engage in a slanderish battle with a 16yr old. Any normal day I would say hell yea but I walked to work this morning and the feels like temp was 7 degrees. I am still defrosting.
I went to class this morning and the feels like temp was -8. I had to bust out the ski mask and everything. It was also almost 40 the previous morning. Not sure what the deal is with this weather. Welcome to the North, Nick.
It was 80 and sunny here today.
I'm with Logan.
Well 80 and sunny sounds a bit hot its nice not to sweat. But when you wake up in the morning with no heat in your apt. its very hard to get out of bed. The worst part is getting out of the shower but at least the subway is warm and thats when my balls descend back into my sack from my stomach. We may have to investigate the space heaters we have stashed in the corner.
I'm not sure what -8 feels like, but I have ridden into work on my motorcycle in high 20s weather. That was cold to say the least.
Jae all I can picture is the seen from dumb and dumber "got a little nippy going thru the pass huh harr" Logan was probably thinking the same thing...Adam I saw something peculiar for the weekends forecast called "wintry conditions". Does not sound pleasant.
Yea, you guessed it Nick. "Just go man."
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