Thursday, January 18, 2007


On Tuesday a Nintendo Wii was purchased for our apartment. With the purchase of an extra controller it came to about $300 which includes the Wii sports package of 5 games (bowling, tennis, boxing, golf and baseball). I was skeptical at first but this thing is simply amazing. The response and sensitivity of the "controllers" are incredible. Graphics for this sports package are minimal at best but it makes up for it in pure fun. Tennis is simply amazing and boxing is pretty damn hard. You have the ability to round house, jab (body or head), uppercut, protect yourself all with movements of the controllers no buttons needed. Bowling is pretty damn funny we take up the whole living room by taking a few steps and doing real bowling motions. After playing for 4 hours last night I was sufficiently tired. Video games and a bit of a workout you cant beat it baby. I cant wait to play this thing after a couple of cold ones.

Nick to the big -----------------D


Leighton said...

HAHA...I can see you guys Wii'n it up after a few cold frosties...that would be awesome! Congrats on the new toy!

Amanda said...

I just about threw my arm out playing baseball, then we realized it's not entirely necessary considering my dad would just flick it down and throw 90 while I was ready to pass out and had yet to break 65. Good times nonetheless. Wii bowling is my new favorite thing to do for sure.

Nick - a warning for when you play under the influence - check out, it's pretty hilarious. Some people are retarded.

Eric said...

Nick, give me your friend code and I'll give you mine when I'm home from work. I'm glad there's another Wii user on the blog.

Nick D said...

Enlighten me Eric I am not really sure what you are talking about. Its funny though you can accomplish everything with minor flicks of the wrist but hell its not nearly as fun.

Eric said...

you need friend codes to add people to your buddy list for messaging, trading Mii's, and playing games together online. To find your friend code, on the main menu, click the lower right button (messaging) then click the letter and pen on the lower left. Your code will be displayed, and it looks like a credit card #, 16 digits in groups of 4.

Eric said...

my code: 7632 8026 5358 8125

Adam said...

You asshole! I still can't find one!!! I have been looking around for one forever now. I hear stores are getting supplies on Sunday, so I am going to try my best. I also found a coupon for $40 off for Circuit City so it would be cool to get it a little cheaper than it already is. In conclusion, I hate you.

Eric said...

Adam, when I got mine (Dec. 3rd) at circuit city, I got there at 8AM and got a voucher from an employee. I then had to go back when they opened and stand in line again to actually buy the system. It's hard to judge how early you should get there since you're in a big city (bigger supply, but bigger demand), so I'd just say get there as early as can, definitely before 8AM.

Leighton said...

Just do what I did and get an XBOX 360. I'm too lazy for the Wii. J/K

Jae said...

leighton, are you on live? if so let me know your gamertag. chris and i are on there as well as one of my co-workers.

Nick D said...

We are still working getting online eric I will get back to you on this. Yea we got really lucky we scored one at Nintendo world. Joey's mom asked and they said they were sold out then the security guard came up to her and said they had two failed credit cards so they had 2 available. Otherwise, very much sold out.

Eric said...

Any luck, Adam? If you got it you should definitely have it by now, otherwise, what they had is sold out. Let's hear the story of your triumph or failure.

Leighton said...

Jae, as of now I am not due to the fact I am currently stealing my internet from a neighbor. I am pretty sure Alex is though because we were planning on playing. Hopefully I will be soon!

Adam said...

Yes I was victorious in my search for the Wii. It is about damn time too! I was actually a little pissed because I found a $40 off coupon online for anything over $200 and then when I got to Circuit City, they said they were no longer taking the coupon. It is pretty lame if you ask mii. =) Anyway, I will put you as my friend Eric. here is my code: 0282-1422-2013-6332

Alex said...

Jae, I will be on live in a couple days. I will let you known my gamertag as soon as I am on.

Bryan, you should try to get on. I think it will be worth it in the long run.