I have nothing good to say or add to the blog at this present moment. I just wanted to have the 300th post. Jae I would like to compliment you on the success of the blog. I was skeptical at first but it is entertaining and a good way to keep in contact with all you peons. As Johnny Drama would say VICTORY!!!!!!!!!.
Nick D....(the 300 man out)
God, I want to punch you in the fact right now.
Yeah...right in the fact! J/K Rory.
Yesss....see forget actually following thru on a threat you are so scared you subconsciously can not even type it in. Once again I am victorious in our ever going battle of wits and slander.
Nick 1,000 Rory 2
haha...i know exactly what you mean aaron. Fifth post!
Yes I am and it was a tough pill to swallow, but I must embrace what I am. I am also the type of person to sign Alex's year book on the crack. Which by the way really pissed him off and was totally worth it. I know you remember alex.
Damn my typos to hell!
Nick 1,000, Rory 2? Well at least my "2" included Pam and Gina! Booyah!!!!
haha, I think that's at least 50 points for you Rory
Yes, I remember Nick...and I remember you wanting to mark it out.
50 points to Rory! Well played!
Death...you die today
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