Monday, January 22, 2007

And you thought your morning commute sucked...


Adam said...

I thought you lived in the desert?? That looked really icy too, which I am sure was no easy task getting off. That's more snow than we have had all year. At least we are supposed to get a little tonight. Thank God for being able to walk to work.

Leighton said...

HAHA...surpirse snow in AZ!! Be careful on the ice though Mr. J...don't want you layin it down! I think you should get some chains for the tires...haha.

Nick D said...

Wow that is more snow then I have seen so far. Actually friday night it snowed and I was able to make some snowballs off snow that gathered on cars. Nothing has stayed on the ground yet though. I agree with adam the beauty of walking/subwaying to work can not be underestimated. Not going to lie I would have had the wifey drive me work or something that looks miserable cold.

Jae said...

Ya, truthfully I rode w/ Jenny that morning. But that doesn't make me seem as cool :P.

Anonymous said...

Don't you have a car too?

Anonymous said...

How much snow did the mountains get?

Jae said...

Ya, I have a car but Jenny and I work in neighboring buildings.

They showed a table on the news that said some areas of Tucson got as little as 2 inches of snow and some got as much as 2 feet of snow!

Nick D said...

Tomorrow the projected temp is supposed to be feels like of -5F on my way to work. Adam I am sure yours will be worse. This isnt florida anymore toto.

Adam said...

Current temp. in Boston right now is 3, feels like -16... and I have to walk a mile and a half in this. If you don't hear from me for a while, I am probably dead. Nick, I hope you stay warmer than I do.

Nick D said...

Yea you win...I will be sure to call you to make sure you did not freeze on your way to class. Good luck.

Jae said...

Not to be too much of a smart ass but Nick didn't you just post a comment that said, "I agree with adam the beauty of walking/subwaying to work can not be underestimated."


Nick D said...

Touche...i got nothing that was pre negative temps...haha