Just thought I would share some good news! I passed my national and state board exams, so as long as I finish the school year, I am done...which would make me a doctor!
By the way, the minimum score to pass the Alabama State Board exam is a 70, and I scored..............70! Woohoo! Gettin' by with the bare minimum!
Congrats dude!!! Does this mean we can call you "Doc" now? Like "What's up doc?" Geez, I can't believe some of us (our group) are becoming doctors...scary thought. Congrats again doc!
Its the minimum because it is good enough, if it wasn't good enough the minimum would be 71. So congrats buddy! Drink it in because the real world is coming soon. Oh, and by the way, I'm not calling you doctor ;).
That's awesome, Alex. Congratulations! I still think this is a way for people to have you more confused about who you are. Now if people call the house late at night asking for Dr. Kanzler you can just give them your Dad's number!
Congratulations bud go out and have a couple of drinks on me I will pay you back later. Damn I guess I cant make fun of you and say you clean up shit for a living anymore (ah second high school memory in as many days). You are the real deal now. If you wanted to be a Vet in another state would you have to pass there boards or can you transfer it over??
Congrats man! Any plans? Are you still in Bradenton?
You know what they call the guy who finishes last in his vet class right???
(not that you finished last but I was refering to that 70 score)
Congrats man! Thats awesome.
Hey Logan, you know who they call the guy who finishes last in the "penis length" competition?
Nick D.
And yet it was long enough to impregnant your mom...shoots and scores
I think that Rory and the Nick should start their own blog where they constantly make fun of one another. That would be well worth the space on a server somewhere.
That would be fun but part of the enjoyment me and rorina get is trying to embarrass each other in public. I am all for it though...Bring it on
I'm gonna agree with Nick...its not the same unless there are spectators around. He takes after his mother....she likes an audience as well. Zinna pulls back, sets his feet, he shoots, he scores, buzzer beater for the win!
After official review it was determined that the ball did not leave zinna's hand in time. NICK WINS, NICK STORMS THE COURT. Rory tries to punch out the many Nicks rushing the court. Rory ends up in the hospital where Nick sends flowers and pictures of Nick having relations with Amy while nick is wearing a Rory jersey.
I think I just beat the topic into the ground...I was kind of fishing there
HAHA...you guys had me lol'ing at work...people looked at me like I was crazy.
Yo Nick, you only have pics of you and Amy having relations? Well, my diminutive friend, I got a collection of videos starting your's truly and Pam "Meow" Divincenzo. You can borrow some if you want....lately we have been doing themes. For instance, recently I played a helpless little boy lost at Dinsey World and Pammy played the strict yet seductive security guard helping me find my way out....sexy times ensued. And of course we have the stereotypical porn themes as well if you prefer. The pool boy and housewife one is particularly good.
Rory's Queen takes Nick's Bishop...Checkmate.
By the way, I like how this thread goes from congratulating Alex on becoming a doctor to Nick's mother and myself making sex videos. I don't ever want to grow up.
Oh yea congrats again Alex...haha. Rory nicely done sir way to drive the point home. You took it that extra step that borders on weird and i have no choice but to give you this round. Rory I dont think me and you ever have to worry about "growing up". Long as we are in contact with each other anyway. We shall meet again my arch nemesis.
Well played Nick....well played, indeed.
I want to go to that Disney World!!! I think we are getting a rare glimpse into Rory's subconscious. And I am not a fan of this surrendering, Nick. Imagine this is Risk. You wouldn't just give Rory Australia, even if he tried hard to get it. You take it back!! And remember, the Ukraine is weak!!
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. While I have just lured rory into a false sense of security. Causing him to invite me into his home and cook me dinner and whilst he is sleeping I am having a threesome with his sister and mom. Dont doubt me adam I am Italian, I dont surrender I just trick. I just turned in my three risk cards and reloaded my battle front. I just stormed into Fiji and retook Australia....AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OYE OYE OYE
PS Those tickets to Disney are not on sale anymore...Dick
Yo Nick, you're right, those tickets aren't for sale anymore. You mother let me squeeze in through her backdoor! Oh no, He didn't just go there!
Ouch...thats gotta hurt.
Wow you guys are such Freaks
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