Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This is what you do when its cold and you want to go fishing anyway

Found this that JB and I made last year. I started laughing my ass off again.


BTW, if anyone can get that file off the website and send it to me that would be great.

Loganbeal (at) gmail.com

Nut Found by Blind Squirrel

Just thought I would share some good news! I passed my national and state board exams, so as long as I finish the school year, I am done...which would make me a doctor!

By the way, the minimum score to pass the Alabama State Board exam is a 70, and I scored..............70! Woohoo! Gettin' by with the bare minimum!

Monday, January 29, 2007

K-Fed commercial...

So here is a "Life comes at you fast" Nationwide commerical featuring the one and only K-Fed aka Fed-Ex. I have to say...at least he has a sense of humor about the whole thing, and I think this commercial is pretty funny; It will be aired during the Super Bowl.



I have nothing good to say or add to the blog at this present moment. I just wanted to have the 300th post. Jae I would like to compliment you on the success of the blog. I was skeptical at first but it is entertaining and a good way to keep in contact with all you peons. As Johnny Drama would say VICTORY!!!!!!!!!.

Nick D....(the 300 man out)

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Well I know these are not the best quality pictures. In fact, they are awful but what do you expect from a lousy camera-phone? Regardless, this is what I look like on my walk in the morning when it is freezing cold. I thought you all would get a kick out of it. I was toasty warm during my -16 degree walk with this gear on!

Monday, January 22, 2007

And you thought your morning commute sucked...

Back on the net

We got internet back today after cancelling our cable at the apartment last week. We have officially moved into the new house as of last Friday night and the DSL got hooked up today. Still have boxed to unpack, furniture to be delivered, more painting to be done. When all is presentable I will take a video and you-tube it (mainly for the 'rents but for your viewing pleasure as well).

Thursday, January 18, 2007


On Tuesday a Nintendo Wii was purchased for our apartment. With the purchase of an extra controller it came to about $300 which includes the Wii sports package of 5 games (bowling, tennis, boxing, golf and baseball). I was skeptical at first but this thing is simply amazing. The response and sensitivity of the "controllers" are incredible. Graphics for this sports package are minimal at best but it makes up for it in pure fun. Tennis is simply amazing and boxing is pretty damn hard. You have the ability to round house, jab (body or head), uppercut, protect yourself all with movements of the controllers no buttons needed. Bowling is pretty damn funny we take up the whole living room by taking a few steps and doing real bowling motions. After playing for 4 hours last night I was sufficiently tired. Video games and a bit of a workout you cant beat it baby. I cant wait to play this thing after a couple of cold ones.

Nick to the big -----------------D

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Check out this fog

It was a clear, beautiful day here in Bradenton, but it quickly changed to a dark and dreary one in about 5 minutes as this ridiculously thick fog rolled in around 4:30 this afternoon. This is a picture from my office window, taken just before the fog reached the building. Normally you can see the new condo construction and the Civic Center along with most of Palmetto, and as I'm typing this all I can see is the fog, not even the trees in the bottom of the picture. Pretty wild, I've never seen fog this bad in the middle of the day like this.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple finally reveals iPhone

Check it out here: http://www.apple.com/iphone/. It will be available in June. Complete with iPod, phone, email, and web browser functions, wi-fi, bluetooth, mini-OSX w/ widgets, multi-touch widescreen display, accelerometers, proximity sensors... needless to say it's loaded. This is a groundbreaking piece of technology, watch some of the demos to get an idea of what I'm talking about. It's on the top of my wishlist, the only problem is it will cost the same as a PS3, $499 or $599, and that's with a 2-year contract! Oh well, I guess it'll have to stay on my wishlist...

National Champs!

If there was any confusion on what constituted a beat-down from a previous post, the game last night clarified that issue. OSU average yards per game: 410; OSU yards last night: 82. Troy Smith: 4-14, 35 yards, and a beating c/o our defensive line. The gameplan was perfect, getting rid of the ball quickly and getting it to our playmakers in front of OSU's weak zone they played the whole game, in turn not stressing Leak enough to make bad plays. The 41-14 victory was the 3rd most lopsided in championship game history, behind only UF's 1996 championship and some game in the 70's. And to top it all off, we're the only University to ever hold the men's basketball and football titles in the same year, quite an accomplishment by Gator athletics.

Monday, January 08, 2007


I really just have one thing to say: GO GATORS!

For FSU folks

Well guys it is official we just signed Jimbo fisher as our OC. This is awesome news look how good LSU has looked over the last couple of years. I give bobby big time credit because he pretty much went out and got the top guys on his list for the positions he wanted. There must have been some big time incentives in there because Jimbo's base salary is way below bama's offer. Ah man I am so fucking exited for next year. This should be a big help in recruiting as well. If this dude bring's just a spec of what he brought LSU it will mean good things for us. Maybe we will actually have an offense to compliment our D. Wow what a novel idea. That a boy BOBBY. GO NOLES BABY!!!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Leprechaun stomp

How about the beat down that LSU laid on Notre Dame. I can't say I didn't see this coming but wow, 41.. really? 41?... I don't think Russell will be coming back next year.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Fantastic Game

If you did not catch the Boise State v Oklahoma game last night you missed out on probably one of the most entertaining games I have ever seen. I am sure it will be a instant classic so if you can watch it you should. Or at least from about 2:30 left in the 4Q then overtime. The score was 28-20 with that much time left and ended up being 43-42. It involved some ballsy calls, awesome trick plays, and some bad defense. It was awesome watching a team that had absolutely nothing to lose play balls to the wall. This is another reason why we need a playoff, why not let a 13-0 team who can clearly hang with the big dogs get a shot. Oh well never going to happen but that game was da shiznit.

The official quote for 2007 is..."Chance favors the prepared mind"

Nick D...version 2007 over and out