Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Upcoming Btown Trip....

Hey Guys!
I will be flying in to Btown this Friday, the 14th, and staying through the 23rd of July for wedding planning and all. In case you haven't already heard, Jae and I finally set a date.....drum roll will be Nov. 25th, 2006, yes I know it is soon, and it is also the day that the Gators will be victorious over that "other" Florida football team (don't worry, I'm sure we can manage to get a TV at the reception). Anyways, I'm hoping that wedding planning will be quick and easy, so that I have time to spend at the beach! Let me know if anyone wants to hang out at the beach or where ever. Talk to you all soon.


P.S.-My cell number is still 352-262-7849 if you want to reach me. :)


Leighton said...

Congrats on the official date! What better day than a good ole' fashion UF vs. FSU game day!

Logan said...

I'm in town Jenny, give me a ring.

Nick D said...

I will be bored

Jae said...

nick you get w/ leighton to plan that trip out west yet? don't be jerkin' me around or i may have to cut you.

Logan said...

Why not make the wedding on Fri?? Everyone will be in town cause of thanksgiving and you dont have to worry about THE game.

Jae said...

it is a matter of booking the church and reception hall, we can't work everything around Logan ;)

Logan said...

Well you damn well should!