Sunday, July 02, 2006


Who's got Aqua Teen on demand? ... THIS GUY, bwahaha

Along w/ a slew of other AS episodes.

jealous? i knew it


Anonymous said...

cartoons on demand Jae? hahaha. You know what you need to watch, Entourage....check it out.

Jae said...

it wasn't worth the extra money per month for HBO, i already watch too much tv as is. entourage is good though, so is deadwood.

Josh said...

Meatwad get the honeys G!!

Eric said...

I just looked it up on my cable here, it seems they post 2 episodes at a time. My favorites are AOL Music on demand (live sessions and videos) and G4TV on demand (even though I haven't played a video game in 6 months)

Jae said...

no video games? for shame!

i got a taste of the 360 at colin's after graduation. i don't plan on setting up my xbox here but i do plan on getting a beefed up computer before Spore comes out, bwahaha