Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tutorial for embedding Youtube videos

Here's a step-by-step guide for embedding Youtube videos in the blog...

Step 1) Find a good video to share

Step 2) Locate the box to the right of the video labeled "Embed".

Step 3) Copy the code contained in this textbox.

Step 4) You now have the HTML code. Start a new Blogger post as usual, select the "Edit Html" tab and paste your HTML code.

Step 5) Add whatever text you want and Publish


Leighton said...

HAHA, thanks for helping all of us dummies out.

Adam said...

I don't get it... =)

Nick D said...

I like porn

Leighton said...

I stabbed a man in the heart...with a trident.

Adam said...

I pooped a hammer

Leighton said...

I love lamp.