That's right kids...I am officially re-joining the workforce! I got a nice job in Ponte Vedra Beach (area of Jax) with a company called Capital Markets Cooperative as a Rate Lock Analyst (job will change in a few months). So I guess it is time to start apartment hunting! Yippee!!!
Congrats Bryan!
That was very quick as far as job hunts go.
What exactly will you be doing?
This may sound stupid, but I don't EXACTLY know what I will be doing. This is more of a temporary job, since the company is in the process of re-structuring this I will only be doing this for a couple months. Anyway, they deal with the secondary mortgage market, so my main job will be locking in interest rates for deals they do with Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie...that sort of well as business clients. Anyway, i really liked the company and all the people I met there, so that was my biggest deciding factor. Plus they matched the salary number I needed;)
Let me clarify...I am not temporary...only the job I will be doing.
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