Thursday, July 13, 2006

un-Super man

anybody else see this movie? jenny and i went and both thought it was a waste of time. 1 hour of plot (crappy plot at that) and 1.5 hours of "look we can make a person fly!".

save your money and buy the larger popcorn when you go see pirates


Eric said...

I thought it was alright, although I agree that Luthor's plot took up a little too much screen time. At least Kevin Spacey filled that dead time decently. The special effects were well done, and all of the major roles were cast and played very well. The lesser characters were exactly that.

As for Pirates 2, I realized about an hour and a half into it that it was just a teaser for the third movie. I was pretty pissed when I found out that I had just watched the first 2.5 hours of a 5 hour movie. Give me a damn ending! I would suggest to anyone that hasn't seen it yet to watch it right before they go see the third movie. If you really want to see it, at least don't expect ANY of the plotlines to finish.

Anonymous said...

Superman Returns was awesome. Pirates 2 was awesome. Can't wait for the sequels.

Nick D said...

Yea I thought superman was good but i really enjoy any movie related to comic books at for pirates 2 i really liked it minus the fact that eric pointed out we basically watched a set up for the 3rd movie which is fine because this was still and logan are going to see You, Me and Depree tonight which hopefully is a bit less sappy then the breakup which starred vince vaughn...but hell long as one of the BIG 5 is in it im game...Stiller, Farrel, Vaughn and the Wilson boys...but lets be honest it doesnt take much for me to be entertained

Alex said...

I thought both Superman and Pirates were great. I would definetly be willing to pay another $7 to see Pirates again, and I am looking forward to the third one.

Nick D said...

I saw Pirates twice and enjoyed it both times...Depree was hilarious many laugh out loud scenes and never got to sappy like the Breakup...owen wilson carried the movie so if you dont like him dont see it but if you do you will not be dissapointed

Jae said...

i wouldn't see superman again if you paid me.

i'll take eric's advice and see pirates right before i see the third one, i guess that's what you get when you film both at once.

Eric said...

just to get the record straight, who is in Bradenton as of today? I figure someone who knows will see this tonight. We're planning a beach trip tomorrow and looking for some company. Expect calls in the morning.