Monday, July 31, 2006

Weather Rant

I will make this quick. I live in Chicago. It is supposed to be cold. It is now 9:30 at night and the feels like temperature is 99 degrees. Discuss.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Someone has to be creative

OK everyone, I got the job and I start Aug 16. Now I have to come up with a good name for the charter business.
What we offer:
Sunset Cruises
Daily and weekly local charters
Daily Fishing charters
3 day or longer trips to anywhere in the Keys you want to go or Dry Tortugas.
Possibly Bahamas Charters as well.

The Boat:

Lets hear some names!


The weekend we chose is Friday, October 20th - Sunday, October 22nd. The room rates this weekend seemed to be cheapest for some reason. Jae and I booked at Bally's ( they are definitly the best deal for the location, and it is a nice hotel too) The room rate is $179/night. If everyone gets 4 per room (although, just say 2/room when booking or they charge extra) it will only be about $100 per person for the whole weekend. It would be great if we are all at the same hotel, but feel free to stay anywhere you'd like. Let me know who all is coming for sure, maybe we can figure out if people want to room together to save some money.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Logan got a Job

If we can work everything out....
Its not what I went through those 4.5 years of college to do but it will be an awesome job for a little while. As some of you know I got my captains license and I will be putting that to use! I will be the captain for a family in Ft. Myers. He has a 34 silverton convertable. They need me to keep it clean and drive them around the Keys and Bahamas.
Fingers Crossed!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Vegas re-do

The post got so long I figured I'd put a new one up...

What is everyone opinion on which days to stay? Possibilities include leaving after work Fri, arriving vegas fri night. staying fri-sat-leave sunday. another could be taking a flight that arrives in vegas sat morning early, staying sat & sun night and leaving late monday (taking a day off).

We want to know what everyones opinions are? If you have a better idea be sure to mention it.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Baker County Customs!

For those of you that don't know, I finally decided to upgrade my stock audio system in my car. I have been receiving my new equipment over the past couple of weeks, and my brother and I finally installed it this week. Since we had to learn as we went and did everything right and professional, the project took us probably like 60 man-hours bewteen the two of us, but after seeing the pics though I think you will understand why;) After researching I decided to go with a full Elemental Designs setup (except headunit): 1 13Kv.2 12" sub, a pair of eDi6500 component speakers w/ tweeter, powered by 2 NINe.2 amps. Headunit is a Pioneer AVH-p6800DVD 7" touchscreen 6-DVD changer with the Pioneer iPod adaptor that plays my iPod through my headunit. I also used 80 sq. ft. of v1SE2 deadening mat and two gallons v3 deadening paint...both Elemental Designs. Now I don't expect you guys to really understand any of let me just show you.

First set of pics is of the deadening process. Since I have done so many performance mods i.e. cold-air intake, performance header, and test-pipe (no catalytic converter), my car has gotten pretty loud. In order to get full potential out of my system, we wanted to eliminate the road and exhaust noise. First step was to remove the entire interior down to the metal, then lay the deadening mat, and followed by two full gallons of deadening paint. Enjoy.

Next, we layed the deadening mat...

Followed by deadening paint...

Next we layed all the wire. We rewired everything included the stock speakers I did keep. Total we used about 300' of wire...this took the longest. All connections were soldered. Here is only a portion of the wiring.

Finally the finished product. A huge amount of work went into getting all this stuff in. Speaker box was custom made by my brother and I and carpeted to match the interior. For the door speakers I went from 5.25" to 6.5" meaning we had to cut the sheet metal in the doors and fabricate custom baffles for the speakers. For the tweeters, I used my handy Dremel to cut the holes in the door panels so I could flush mount them.

Well there you go. Now you know why it took us so long. It was well worth the time because my new system is like an eargasm! I have never heard anything so beautiful! Thank god I am done though:)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

mmmm, good food

The Crock-pot is the greatest kitchen appliance ever created, my corned-beef and cabbage told me so.

Set it, go to work, and a delicious treat awaits you when you return home.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tutorial for embedding Youtube videos

Here's a step-by-step guide for embedding Youtube videos in the blog...

Step 1) Find a good video to share

Step 2) Locate the box to the right of the video labeled "Embed".

Step 3) Copy the code contained in this textbox.

Step 4) You now have the HTML code. Start a new Blogger post as usual, select the "Edit Html" tab and paste your HTML code.

Step 5) Add whatever text you want and Publish

I got a job!

That's right kids...I am officially re-joining the workforce! I got a nice job in Ponte Vedra Beach (area of Jax) with a company called Capital Markets Cooperative as a Rate Lock Analyst (job will change in a few months). So I guess it is time to start apartment hunting! Yippee!!!

The BEST youtube vid

Maybe Jae can fix it so the video comes up on his page.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Vegas Trip

Everyone post weekends in October that you are NOT able to go to Vegas. Do this ASAP or I will cut you!

PS: this is for our joint bachelor/bachelorette party.


70,000 Beercans Found In Townhome

I stumbled on this story today and I couldn't believe my eyes. A guy actually lived here, I have no idea how. It's approx. 24 cans a day for 8 years!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

un-Super man

anybody else see this movie? jenny and i went and both thought it was a waste of time. 1 hour of plot (crappy plot at that) and 1.5 hours of "look we can make a person fly!".

save your money and buy the larger popcorn when you go see pirates

Thanks for the invitation

Hey y'all! I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't talked to some of you in awhile but hopefully I can keep in touch better with this blog.

I am working on my seventh year at Auburn and hoping I will have something to show for it in a little less than a year. I am in clinics now which means I am finally getting some hands-on experience after spending close to three years in the classroom. I currently have no idea wher I will be or what I will be doing when I graduate.

Congrats on the wedding date Jae and Jenny!

Calling out Jae...

I just received an email from Alex asking me for your address so he can join our fantastic blog here. His email is so contact him and let him know what to do. Thanks honey.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Upcoming Btown Trip....

Hey Guys!
I will be flying in to Btown this Friday, the 14th, and staying through the 23rd of July for wedding planning and all. In case you haven't already heard, Jae and I finally set a date.....drum roll will be Nov. 25th, 2006, yes I know it is soon, and it is also the day that the Gators will be victorious over that "other" Florida football team (don't worry, I'm sure we can manage to get a TV at the reception). Anyways, I'm hoping that wedding planning will be quick and easy, so that I have time to spend at the beach! Let me know if anyone wants to hang out at the beach or where ever. Talk to you all soon.


P.S.-My cell number is still 352-262-7849 if you want to reach me. :)

Internet, finally

We are back onto cyberspace after a brief hiatus (sp?). Decided to go with cable instead of dsl this time. Have 6Mbps downlink which is a big upgrade from the 1.5Mbps we had before. Unfortunately, it seems most everyone has cable in my area because my actual downlink right now (<7am) is between 1.5M and 3M.

Anywho, where the hell is everyone, nobody has posted since the 7th?

Friday, July 07, 2006

Road Trip

The Nick D and I are goin up to the smelly land where the girls flock like the salmon of Capastrono and the beer flows like wine. I'm taking about a little place called Tally. Anyone else up there, give one of us a ring!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

google power, unite!

my mom wanted me to ask if anyone knows how to boost her ranking on search results?

she has a website that she wants to come up when people search related terms.

let the recommendations begin...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


First congrats to The J on I would like to put the focus on the AZZURRI for those of you who are not world cup fans that is what the Italian National Team is called. They play this sunday against looking like the french right now(half way thru the game right now....PK by Zindane). They have allowed one goal which was a own goal against the US of A. Everybody should tune in on Sunday and pull for the azzurri to win there 4th championship which would put them second by themselves behind brazil for most all time who has 5. These games have been nasty good its incredible. So join me in cheering widly for ITALIA...especially if its against france.....On another note we should all pay our respects to Kenneth Lay the founder of Enron who passed away. He was a visionary with his manipulation of accounting policies that brought down a corrupt big 5 and opened thousands of auditing positions nation wide...good way to avoid jail i suppose...and im not sure if alex is on this blog but this is for him cuz he was hating on the italians.

ESPN article on the game...alex claims Italy is the only team who takes dives

Players from both teams dived and over-reacted to the slightest bit of contact.
Michael Ballack often seemed happy to tap the ball to one side and fall over the nearest opponent. It would be nice if he could copy his national team manager Klinsmann and drop the diving habit when he moves to England.
Italy kicked the ball out for an injured player and Germany refused to give it back.

Monday, July 03, 2006

The Greatest Show Ever

I have discovered the greatest show ever, and it is on public access. The lady got stabbed in the head and she has a pakistani girl who can't read as a co-host. They hunt ghosts and bigfoot in Tampa.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Who's got Aqua Teen on demand? ... THIS GUY, bwahaha

Along w/ a slew of other AS episodes.

jealous? i knew it