Sunday, March 14, 2010

NCAA Tournament Challege

Join up ladies and gents and let's have some fun. It seems pretty wide open this year as there is not a completely dominate team. Certainly teams like Kentucky and Kansas look solid, but definitely beatable. FSU will make it for the second straight year this year probably a 8-10 seed so hopefully just winning ONE game will be good. Will UF miss it for the third straight year??? We shall find out in about 2 hours it is a fun time of year so sign up and let's pick some winners.

Prediction: I will beat Rory in this challenge...the game within the game.

Group: March to Perfection
password: the dance


Nick D said...

Ohhh man FSU v Gonzaga that game makes me very nervous. Looks like we both have to beat some midmajor teams!

I am stunned that Miss St and Va Tech got left out....

Jae said...

I'm failing to find the group in the search, anyone got a link?

Jae said...

the group name is "Marching to Perfection"

Nick D said...

DOH thanks J

Rory said...

Bring it on Nick!

Nick D said...

And yes I am making two, so feel free to do the same