Tuesday, March 09, 2010

[L] Possible Federal Ban on Fishing

Well, this could be another step in Obama's plan. Does he just want more control or does he just hate America?

Maybe this issue is being overblown, but it sure seems like Obama is trying to take American rights and hand the control to the feds at an exponential rate.


Adam said...

Well that is an eye opener. I can't believe this would get any support beyond that of very radical leftists. Hopefully this will go by the wayside as well as the rest of his agenda.

Andrew said...

Honestly the article seems like more of an op-ed than a piece meant to educate the public. First, no sitting president would ever, read ever, allow fishing to be banned. Although Adam better watch out and pay his fishing ticket in Vermont or he might get arrested when he moves up there.

Jae said...

November can't come fast enough.

Adam said...

Amen, Jae. See what happens when you vote for Democrats.

Leighton said...

I don't think I have ever been as dissapointed in our government as I am right now...and it is only getting worse. I'm tired of the leftist "agenda."

Logan said...

Drew, NOAA is already shutting our fishing down. All grouper, snapper and sea bass species are shut down in the Atlantic. In the Gulf, all grouper species are closed for 3 months. Red Snapper (the most abundant snapper) are only open for a month and a half over the summer. Goliath Grouper are a federally protected species and harvest is prohibited. You are not even allowed to take them out of the water. They are over abundant and eat everything in sight. Also, they closed Amberjack last year. All these closures have come in the last 12 months.

Amanda said...

I thought some of the species bans were due to the cold snap wiping out a huge chunk of the population... or am I thinking of something completely different?

Logan said...

That was just snook Amanda. Also, that is just in FL. That was a FWC (Florida) thing, not a NOAA or NMFS (Federal) thing.

Alex said...

The crazy conservation people are lobbying better than the fisherman, and the current politicians are listening.

The whole green movement is going too far anyway. Pretty soon we will only be able fish out of sailboats and rowboats with tackle that does not have hooks or nets.

Logan is the expert but I have even noticed when I have been fishing with him that red snapper are everywhere. Goliath grouper are oversized pests that are reducing fish populations worse than any recreational fisherman could.

Logan said...

There are efforts being made by some organizations. Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), Billfish Foundation, and Fishing Rights Alliance (FRA) are all working to have properly managed fish stocks among Rec and Commercial fisherman. They are basing their arguments that NOAA and NMFS are using outdated and flawed science to track fish counts.

Basically the only "science" they use is weighing commercial catch landings, and having someone at the boat ramps asking the boats coming in if they caught anything and recording their catches.

NOAA and NMFS are getting swayed by crazy conservation groups lobbying. In the past it has only been the fishermen lobbying against them...no money. Now, the large companies in the fishing industry are getting involved and throwing money towards lobbyists.

BTW, according to the government, the fishing industry is a $125 Billion/year industry. That's just fishing. Think about other industries directly related fishing, tourism, restaurants, boat insurance, boat builders, etc.

Thats a lot of jobs.

I could go on all day...

Jae said...

Beal, I hope you have called your representative in addition to ranting on the blog.

Jae said...

In fact, if you draw up a letter and send it out I'm sure we would all email our reps.

Logan said...

Here you go Jae -

As the Ocean Policy Task Force works to finalize its National Ocean and Great Lakes Policy, I am writing to stress the importance of including recreation, especially recreational fishing and boating, as a national priority in the report. As one of 60 million anglers in the United States, I urge you to ensure that recreational fishing is recognized and promoted as a distinct ocean, coastal and Great Lakes activity that has a significant impact on employment, the economy and the quality of life in this country.

According to NOAA Fisheries, saltwater anglers contribute over $82 billion to our nation’s economy and support over half a million jobs. Recreational fishing is a vital part of this nation’s heritage, and I urge you to ensure that the legacy of this family-friendly outdoor activity is available for future generations to enjoy.

My fishing license fees go directly towards conserving and managing fisheries in my state. Additionally, every time I purchase fishing equipment, the federal excise tax on that purchase goes to state fish and wildlife agencies for fisheries conservation throughout this nation. It’s safe to say that recreational anglers have provided the lion’s share of funding for fisheries conservation and management in this county for well over 60 years.

I am a conservationist who loves being in the outdoors. I believe that responsibly-managed and regulated activities such as recreational fishing deserve full consideration and incorporation in the administration’s ocean and Great Lakes management policy. Providing the angling public with access to public resources is no less important than conserving those resources. Therefore, I urge you to safeguard recreational fishing, one of this nation’s most important outdoor activities now and for generations to come.

Thank you for your consideration.


Nick D said...

Wow that is incredible thanks for the info Logan you actually made me more upset...

Nick D said...

Did you actually just write that Logan?? If so that is a well thought out and intelligent letter.....DENIED

Jae said...

consider it done