The next thing they plan to shove down our throats is financial regulation reform. This from the lame-duck senator from CT who if you just look at his picture screams career-politician. Why can't he just retire and leave us alone instead of saddling us with more regulation and another consumer protection agency to protect us from the big bad businessman. We already have a consumer protection agency, it's called the internet. Freedom of information=consumer protection.
These incumbents are ripe for the picking. All of them. The dems are obviously off their rockers but the republicans are no better. They are so obviously removed from reality it is sickening. We need congressional seats to be unpaid positions again, or term limits, or something. This has gotten way out of hand.
Couldn't agree with you more Jae. I hate our government and everybody in it. I have lost all trust and faith in our leadership and have come to the conclusion that ALL politicians are out for personal gain and have stopped listening to the population they 'serve'.
Political seats should be a 'service' jury duty on a larger scale. Term limits should be enforced to prevent 'career politicians' from corrupting the system with greed and special interests. I also don't condone vandalism either, but I'm glad your representative got her door smashed in, and I hope the door fo the white house gets smashed in as well. Maybe then will they finally listen.
Unfortunately I feel this is only the beginning. The dems have until November to shove more 'agenda' down our throats...and they will take advantage. Next up...immigration.
Let me add to your rant about the how clueless our representatives are with a little info from my company's CFO.
He's been asking our representatives how much they think we get paid for a chest xray, as dictated by the medicare allowable. He tells them that we provide the equipment for the exam, the tech to do the study, the radiologist to read the study, and store the images for 10 years. He commonly gets answers in the range of $2000-$10000. The correct answer is $31... It's this kind of disconnect that has them thinking there's a problem in the first place, and future cuts to reimbursement is going to drive us into the ground.
"Never in the history of the United States has the Congress ever passed a law which required any citizen to enter into a contract with another citizen or a private business against their will ...... Never, that is, until now. How's that for change?" - Boortz
I agree 100% with y'all. (Big surprise) Our government has been driving our country off a cliff for a while now, and Obama has pushed the accelerator to the floor.
We need a major overhaul and both parties need to be thrown out.
Politicians should be treated like employees considering they should have to answer to their bosses, which in this case is US citizens. When they do not perform as we demand they need to be tossed to the curb.
We need to return this nation to the Republic it once was.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” - Thomas Jefferson
I am sure you will all be surprised but I agree with almost all of this.
The Healthcare bill is a joke. Pelosi has a national approval rating of 11% and Obama called her the greatest Speaker of the House ever. With a 50 seat majority she got a bill passed by 3 votes, pretty sad really. My favorite part of the bill is the medical instrument section that requires the companies that produce these parts to pay a percentage of the 2 billion dollars it will cost to give it away equal to their percentage of market. They are taxing capitalism.
As for Mr. Dodd of Connecticut. He is a crook. He took sweetheart loans from mortgages companies for his house in CT. He bought a house in Ireland with a friend and his friend gave him the other half after a couple of years. I wish he was not retiring because he would get crushed in Nov. Instead he will not be on the ballot and the state's AG, who has been the AG for more than 30 years will be on the ballot. The AG is pretty terrible himself, but I must digress.
As for term limits and making the position in congress unpaid, I am not sure those are the best ideas. If you make it an unpaid position, the only people who could afford to be members are the very affluent, and they can be pretty bad. As for term limits, I am 50/50 on them. I like the idea of them, but sometimes I feel you need a long serving member. But many of those people suck. Although it is kind of amusing to read when the Dean of the Congressional Delegation was first elected. (john Dingell of Michigan first elected in Nov of 1954)
Yeah, this thing is just out of control. I don't really have anything to add that others haven't already stated. I just think it is ridiculous that these democrats can openly push for something that they know the people of the country they represent don't want. AND the only they can openly go against the American people is by using a method of passing the legislation that is questionable at best.
I just hope this bill stays far away from dentistry. At least that way it won't kill my career... More than it will kill everyone's career's by killing the economy. That being said, not going to medical school was the best decision I ever made.
Yup it is pretty damn sad all around.
We just need some middle of the road Republicans to step up to the plate and hopefully turn this boat around.
I nominate myself.
Look at this bunch of hogwash!
I almost stopped reading it halfway through the first "fear"
it's great that the author recognizes *twice* in their article how businesses continue to prosper *in spite of* all the regulation and fees imposed by government. gee, think how prosperous this country might be if we didn't have those roadblocks in the way. good post beal, great way to start the day :P
All of that is hogwash. The overblown fear of Doctor's quiting is not overblown at all. The docs who will be leaving are not the new guys like Casey, it will be older docs. Guys who have worked for 20 years but are not near retirement. That scares me the most, because I like my doctors old. Hell, I was in the ER with a kidney stone and I refused to see a doctor because he was educated outside the US. I asked for the next white, male, US educated Doc.
The part that our deficit will explode is hokum. CBO is not truly bi-partisan in anyway. Basically they use tricks like Bush did with all his budget measures and you know what happened there.
I love the argument about businesses. The author basically says, yes businesses will be forced to pay more, but good businesses will figure out what to do. Yep, it is called closing down, moving all employees to part-time, or just leaving the US.
Logan, that article makes me want to cry. That guy has his head in the clouds (or somewhere else). All of his reasons for why the economy will suffer are basically saying that WHEN the economy tanks, other people will pick up the pieces. That isn't encouraging at all! I can't believe people are defending this asinine law. Didn't Obama say he was going to lower taxes? Isn't the whole purpose of this bill to raise taxes to get more money for free healthcare? Maybe he only meant federal income tax won't go up...
That guy is a jack ass! The government will once again taxes the crap out of small business so that the general population doesn't notice the increase. Then when businesses increase their fees or let people go, then the feds point the fingers at the evil business owners.
It is absolutely infuriating to listen to some of the girls at work talk about how my father is so rich and how much they deserve a raise. The other associate talks about how noble Obama is by trying to provide healthcare. One employee was telling me that I should have voted for Obama and then recently bitched about the health bill. I basically asked her, "what did you think you were voting for?"
Let face it guys, we are those crazy and evil white people that believe in the Constitution and that this country should become a republic once again.
can someone please explain to me why sarah palin is the go-to person of the tea party movement? for a movement that pushes a lot of the right buttons with me, i am not buying on this. the woman is an idiot plain and simple. i have never once listened to her speak and thought... she sure knows what she's talking about. it's infuriating. all of them. Problem
Jae...I completely agree. While I mostly agree with her from a conservative stand-point, I hate that she has become the 'spokesperson' for the movement. Really...we couldn't have found someone better? Really?
Yeah, Palin is interesting. She is no more stupid than 90% of politicians but for some reason she rubs me the wrong way. And she is way too easy a target for the liberals. We need a reasonable and well spoken leader that doesn't dig too much into the political talking points and just speaks from his/her heart. Drew, why don't you get on that? You're our only connection to the DC world.
amen adam, i vote for peter schiff
Palin is at the front of the Teaparty movement for fairly simple and obvious reasons. When she speaks, it is in the press, regardless of what she is saying there is press about it. Also attacking a female is dangerous. You do it to much and to often you will get burned, see Obama losing NH to Hillary in the primary.
Who else could lead it, is a very tough and difficult situation. It is already becoming fairly obvious that the teaparty is starting to get infiltrated by the worst part of the GOP, the social conservatives. I think most of us may be socially conservative, but really do not want it to be the main plank in our platform. We would need someone young, intelligent and hardened. I could see a couple of folks, Eric Cantor or Kevin McCarthy in the US House. In the Senate, there is not really anyone. In the world of Governors, I like Pawlenty and Romney. But new guys you could Bob McDonnell from VA, but he is pretty socially conservative and he wears that on his sleeve.
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