Tuesday, March 02, 2010

[L] Clackamas man exercises free speech rights by giving cops the finger

Homeboy has some big brass ones. I've always known it wasn't against the law, but never had the guts to test it.

"I did it because I have the right to do it," Ekas said. "We all have that right, and we all need to test it. Otherwise we'll lose it."

Love it.


Nick D said...

That is pretty hilarious

Andrew said...

That guy is a fucking retard and deserves everything he gets. If he hates the police so much I hope he never calls the police if he is being robbed or something like that.

Alex said...

I don't approve of what he does, but I will always defend his right to do it.

Adam said...

Sorry Drew, I have to completely disagree with you on this one. Like most government employees, they are pretty useless. I read some article that a Massachusetts State Trooper makes $150k/year. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. Some guy who doesn't even need to go to college makes that kind of cash off my tax dollars. Ridiculous.

Leighton said...

What Alex said. Would I personally do it? No. Do I agree with the point he is personally trying to make? Absolutely.

Andrew said...

I have no doubts that the police are useless. I am not making the argument that police officers are useful, but acting like a fool to every police officer is retarded. My problem with this guy is that this douche will flip the bird to every cop, but as soon as he is being mugged/robbed/attacked he will want them to help him out. This guy falls in the same category as med/mal lawyers. If I was a doctor, I would never take a med/mal lawyer as a patient or anyone in his family, unless it was an emergency. Want to screw me over, fuck you too.