Thursday, December 03, 2009

Too good not to post...[L]

I didn't catch this during the live broadcast but maybe some of you did...I kinda feel bad for still beating up on you FSU folks, but what was this guy thinking?


Alex said...

The offensive line is coached to do that if the ball is snapped before the end of the snap count.

It is supposed to allow the center to snap the ball if the other team jumps in order to draw an offsides penalty. In this case, the offensive linemen in question appears to have forgotten the snap count.

I guess the player was worried about being reprimanded by Trickett. He is apparently an ass of a coach that teachs a rather strange technique.

Amanda said...

If I remember correctly I think the center actually goofed or something, so this kid was probably thinking a whistle was eventually going to be blown. But since none ever was and the play happened, I have no explanation as to why he would continue to stand there while the thing kept right on going. There must be some stiff penalty for not freezing to warrant him staying still for the whole flippin play!

Nick D said...

Trickett does teach his line to do that, which I think is beyond stupid because it prevents us from getting a free play. That being said you would think at some point you realize something and MOVE!