Friday, December 18, 2009

Off to Beaver Creek!

Have a great Christmas everyone!

I'll be back late on Christmas day.

That's right, I said Christmas. No need to be politically correct.


Nick D said...

Have fun real deal, give me a call on the 26th I will still be around.

You said beaver...

Merry Christmas sir!

Logan said...

Yes, I did say Beaver. Guess what the liquor store there is named?

Jae said...

Christmas just doesn't have the same ring to it that Christmahanukwanza does.

So Happy Christmahanukwanza beal, hope you have a blast.

Nick D said...

Wet Beaver Liquor Store?

Andrew said...

Hairy Beaver Liquor Store?

Have fun out there.

Leighton said...

Liquor Beaver?

Jae said...

beaver liquor in the front, poker in the back store

Nick D said...

Haha Logan now we need to know. All those are great, J way to be creative.

Logan said...

Beaver Liquors.