Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prove I'm not crazy

Jenny refuses to admit a hidden verse in this song. Prove I'm not crazy by guessing the alternate lyric (hint, it's around 0:29).


Nick D said...
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Eric said...

I'm guessing you think the lyric "later we'll have some pumpkin pie" is being sung "later we'll have some fuckin' pie", am I right?

Nick D said...

The average person may hear later "later we will have some pumkin pie", but my sensitive ears heard later "later we will have some f*ckin pot". Which makes sense because it would probably help numb you up for the charoling in the cold.

Jae said...

eric is right on the money, however now that nick mentions it...

way to take it to a whole 'nother level my man.

now would you guys have heard that if i didn't point it out? whenever i hear that song all i can hear are my made up lyrics.

Nick D said...

Way to ruin a Christmas song for me Jae haha....