It's 2 days after Christmas and I've finished the kegerator build. The beer has been kegged and in our kitchen fridge for a while now, but I just got the mini fridge for Christmas. Admittedly the beer didn't come out great, but it's much better that it's coming from a tap in my house. Now I need to build a bar/buffet to go next to it to make Christina happy.

That is freaking sweet. Yea, Kegerators are really finicky when it comes to the correct amount of CO2 needed to get the right pour. Looks like your house will soon become party central.
very nice, now maybe some sort of incentivized game next to it to help govern the easy intake of beer. one of those indoor basketball hoops would go well. sink a basket to win a beer.
what kind did you make this time?
It's an american style pale ale, but it came out a little watery and flavorless. It still tastes like beer though, so it's all good. I'm going to try a different company for the ingredients next time to see if I get a better result.
pale ale huh, whats the % alc on that one?
based on your description Eric, it sound like it came out exactly like it was supposed to. American style = watery and flavorless.
ba zing...
I personally like the placement of the Kegerator right next to the Manger...awesome.
Looks great though.
So far on order from Eric I have a kegerator and video game system....
To answer Logan's question, it should be somewhere between 4 and 5 percent. I forgot to measure the specific gravity when I kegged it, so I don't know for sure.
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