Thursday, December 03, 2009

[L] How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell

Since there are more than a few of us on here with some web design experience, I found this pretty dead nuts on.


Alex said...

Nice Jae! I think I deal with similar people in my field.

Anyway, with that said, I have some suggestions for the blog. ;)

Adam said...

Haha, that's awesome. "P.S. My owner is a retard."

Andrew said...

Oh man, that brought back memories. That was exactly like dealing with one of my candidates. Oh stupid people make the world go around.

Amanda said...

That's hilarious! Although I would be willing to bet a considerable amount of money that the fitness industry (and I'll lump nutrition/dietetics in there too) has to deal with more people thinking they know more than a professional than just about any other field. Sometimes Google is the enemy, lol.

Jae said...

webmd often makes me think i'm dying of a rare disease

Nick D said...

I pooped a chocolate covered squirrel

Amanda said...

Hahaha oh yeah, we'll all be geniuses and hychondriacs pretty soon :)

Amanda said...

... but Nick, you might want to get that checked out. That one sounds legit.