Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tuberville expresses interest in Texas Tech job

Tuberville expresses interest in Texas Tech job

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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

[L] For Nick

Bookmark it, print it, put it on your wall A go-to guide for all Nickisms.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Finished Kegerator

It's 2 days after Christmas and I've finished the kegerator build. The beer has been kegged and in our kitchen fridge for a while now, but I just got the mini fridge for Christmas. Admittedly the beer didn't come out great, but it's much better that it's coming from a tap in my house. Now I need to build a bar/buffet to go next to it to make Christina happy.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

[L] Urban Meyer resigns

*Glances at the calendar*

*sees it's not April 1st*


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas guys and gals! I am looking forward to hanging out with everybody that came down, and I hope to see the rest of you soon.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Prove I'm not crazy

Jenny refuses to admit a hidden verse in this song. Prove I'm not crazy by guessing the alternate lyric (hint, it's around 0:29).

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Nick you would be proud

Some kid on Xbox Live last night sent Rory off the deep end. He was going after Rory pretty hard and Rory lost it and started cussing him out. It was the funniest thing I've ever heard.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Off to Beaver Creek!

Have a great Christmas everyone!

I'll be back late on Christmas day.

That's right, I said Christmas. No need to be politically correct.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Possibly the Most Ridiculous Post Ever...

I honestly don't know why I'm asking this, because I am very aware that the people who routinely read this blog are likely not the people to be asking this question... but does anyone happen to watch So You Think You Can Dance? I was just curious, because I literally cannot stop talking about Jakob & Kathryn's contemporary piece last night and am running out of people to listen me say how amazing it was. Anyone? Guilty pleasure? It was seriously one of the most beautiful displays of dancing I've ever seen... even if you don't like dancing you'd probably think it was awesome. One of them better win tonight.

(I guess this is my equivalent of when Jae and Eric post stuff about computers)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Nick's new job

Well it has finally happened I found myself a job I will be working for Robert Half as a recruiter. It is not what I moved down here expecting to do, but I am pretty excited about it. They specialize in placing Accounting and Finance professionals and like to hire people who have worked in the industry before coming to them so it kind of worked out. I will essentially become a glorified salesman of sorts and no a degree is necessary, but it makes me feel better that they pretty much only hire people who have degrees haha. I will be making a minimal base salary and will get a bonus each month depending on how many people I place in a job. So for the first 6 - 9 months or so I will not be making a ton of money, enough to live off of for sure but after I start rolling there could really be some good money in it. Hopefully the economy keeps improving and hopefully by the end of 2010 we are really starting to roll again. So not what I was expecting obviously, but hey you never know. I will say this people in this job all seemed to be very happy, which is a huge improvement over the people I worked with at my other jobs.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

[L] Pat the Patriot

This makes me proud to be a Patriots fan. I like to think of him wearing the mascot outfit when he was arrested.

Friday, December 11, 2009

[L] Thoughts?

Let the changes begin. I'll come right out and say that I have no idea who any of these people are, so I'm waiting for someone to tell me whether or not these are good moves. Either way... time will tell, I suppose.

Happy Holidays

From your friendly neighborhood redneck. Logan I am expecting something like this from you soon, maybe with Javelina instead :).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

[L] Okay, wtf

This can't be real. Why did this guy have explosive substances just chilling on his desk?

Monday, December 07, 2009

Bowl Mania

Hey everybody I created a group for this Bowl Mania pick'em thing on ESPN. Everybody join up and give your best guess for what will happen. Winner gets a extra sausage after we are done making them around Xmas time. This will not be easy that is for sure some tough games here. Let's get a good group in this one, JOIN UP.

Group Name: Lawn Bowling
Password: bowden

No way I lose to Rory, just saying, no way......

Sunday, December 06, 2009


Well yesterdays championship games were all pretty good (depending on who you like of course). It was pretty clear Bama was the better team, but hey two losses in two years is pretty damn good, trust me I would love to be in your position. I feel bad for most UF fans you have to understand it is tough for us to feel bad when a lot of you are like Rory (love you) which makes it tough. I wonder if the loss of Dunlap was that big or if it would not have mattered to much, I think it did. Anyway lets hope for good bowl matchups in the BCS. I hope they really mix it up and put like TCU v UF or GT or something like that. I think TCU could honestly beat anybody in this country, except Bama who looked very good.

I hope FSU gets to go to the Gator Bowl (which we do not deserve), but it would be awesome for us to get a shot to go to Bobby's last game. I am hoping somehow it works out it will make a lot of other ACC teams mad, but oh well they can suck it.

Alex where is Auburn looking to go bowling and against who??

Saturday, December 05, 2009

New Clothes

I was just putting on my 2006 SEC Championship shirt getting ready for the big game tonight and I realized that the only time my wardrobe expands is when the Gators win some sort of title. Fingers crossed for a larger wardrobe come tomorrow morning. Go Gators!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

[L] How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell

Since there are more than a few of us on here with some web design experience, I found this pretty dead nuts on.

Too good not to post...[L]

I didn't catch this during the live broadcast but maybe some of you did...I kinda feel bad for still beating up on you FSU folks, but what was this guy thinking?

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Dunlap DUI

Let's see what Urban does here....A potential first round pick does he play against Bama????