Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Orleans

Off to the Big Easy for Asa's bachelor party.  Should be a great time!


Nick D said...

If you do not post at least one pic of a girls boobs I am defriending you.....seriously.

Jae said...

have a hurricane for me... put it on nick's tab.

Amanda said...

Hahaha what the heck is it with men and boobs? Take a man (Nick) who has unlimited access to a perfectly good pair of tatas and he'll still want to see some drunken fat chick flashing for beads... although it is no where near time for Mardi Gras. A submitted pic would therefore have to be obtained with Logan's own skills...

Nick D said...

Correct I do appreciate the unlimited boob access I have courtesy of Irene. That being said there is just something magical about them and why did you add "fat chick" to this scenario?

Like you mentioned if Logan does succeed and he produces a "fat chick" picture I can only come to one conclusion, Logan hooked up with a fat chick.

Jae said...


Leighton said...

hooray for boobies!

Andrew said...

I am not sure Nick has unlimited access. I mean Irene has some control, so there is so limitation, but lets be honest, Nick is more into Man boobs than girl boobs.

Alex said...

Hooray for boobies! Make it happen Beal. No fat chicks!

Try a Hand Grenade too...pretty tasty!

Logan said...

Nick, I sent you that one pic...I know you enjoyed it.

Logan said...

Also, Amanda, the skills were at work this weekend! Having a bachelor party seems to be a great reason for girls to flash us.

Amanda said...

Beads and bachelors... noted. Nice work there, ladies man :)

Logan said...

No need for beads...