Friday, July 17, 2009

Food Update x2

Let me start right off by saying that I passed on free donuts today. Let me repeat that. Somebody walked into my office, presented me with my choice of donut from a selection of donut wonders. And I said... nay, I shall pass.

Food Log:
6 am: Oatmeal (M)
9 am: Vanilla Shake (M)
12 pm: Chic-fila Salad
3 pm: Chocolate pudding (M)
7 pm: Cinnamon Roll Crunch bar (M)
9 pm: Unknown...

Houston, we have a problem. We actually don't have enough products to last until our order arrives. So we will have to go half time for a bit until then. Poor planning on my part. Oh well, you live, you learn.. and get luvs.



Brenda said...

How does this blog thing work?
Will anyone go back to yesterday's post and read my comments or was I talking to myself?

Jae said...

Ha, yes. We read comments on old posts as well. Welcome to the 21st century :P.

Adam said...

Just remember: Big Brother is watching.

Eric said...

yeah, i saw it... Former construction worker makes 1.2 million dollars a year to be an AA sponsor for dieters. I'm in the wrong line of work.

Jae said...

ha, i know right? hence why i think it is worth a shot. for the longest time i basically wrote myself off saying i wouldn't be any good at it (i'm not exactly a people person like my mom). but after seeing her be so successful at it, i decided that assuming i would be bad at it without trying is selling myself short. now if i end up not being good at it, it will not be for lack of trying. if anyone else would like to try, let me know. it is pretty cheap to get into ($200 gets you a website and the ability to have clients).

Jae said...

btw: this site has descriptions of the business side of things.