Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crazy Aussies

Nick, are they related to you?


Nick D said...

Haha that is incredible I like how a lady through rocks at the cop...genious. Well my family does live in Perth, but luckily it does not involve them haha.....

Jae said...

nick, you should use firefox instead of internet explorer... it will put a red line underneath words you misspell. it wouldn't do much for your through, but it would have caught your genious.

Adam said...

At least he spelled incredible correctly. Maybe he is getting a little better at this spelling thing. Glad to hear Nick isn't related to any aborigines.

Nick D said...

Yes well even with Jae's warning of check your spelling I still never do.

While using firefox does it just know you misspelled something or is there a spell check button?

Rory said...

Thats gotta be the dumbest cop ever. Who the hell would tase someone holding a can of gasoline?! What else did he think would happen went he shot electricity and sparks at the dude?! I don't see him having a successful law enforcement career, haha.

Jae said...

nick, it automatically does it whenever you are typing in a text box. you don't have to remember to click anything :).