Sunday, July 19, 2009

The finished product!

Aside from a few very small finishing touches, the arcade cabinet is finally done. Getting the TV mounted was an absolute pain in the ass, but we got it done. Here's some pics of the final product running a few choice games.


Jae said...

eric, i heart you.

my october trip has now shifted from an alex's wedding theme to a play home arcade theme. sorry alex, but i'm sure you understand :).

do those coin slots work? let me know so i can start saving my quarters.

Amanda said...

Your brilliance is astounding my friend. Very impressive work!

Adam said...

Very nice work. It is great when you invest a lot of time and effort in things are they come out rewarding. What is your next project going to be??

Alex said...

Looks great, Eric! I look forward to trying it out.

Nick D said...

Wow very impressive Eric looks fantastic.

Leighton said...

Nice job! Can't wait to see it in action!

Andrew said...

That is amazing. I cannot wait for the afterparty at Eric's house to play video games, like a middle school sleepover, but with booze.