Nice. I just signed up for an invite even though I'm not sure how I'd use it. It's a little cumbersome to have to listen to a dialog and choose an option everytime someone calls you on it, but it would do a great job as acting as a 'call firewall' so solicitations never ring my phone. P.S. - I sent you a text, still no response... may not work out as a text replacement, I could have just sent you an email instead at this rate.
i just turned it off for my friends group and my family group... of course it brings in all my contacts from gmail so now all i have to do is update those contacts with phone numbers either manually or as i receive calls/texts from them.
a down side to turning the dialog off is that you no longer receive the messages in googles voicemail system (they show up on your phones voicemail instead).
check out my tsfl website to see an example of their call widget. if you use that widget and it goes to voicemail, you will hear a custom greeting that i created just for those calls. pretty neat :).
Nice. I just signed up for an invite even though I'm not sure how I'd use it. It's a little cumbersome to have to listen to a dialog and choose an option everytime someone calls you on it, but it would do a great job as acting as a 'call firewall' so solicitations never ring my phone.
P.S. - I sent you a text, still no response... may not work out as a text replacement, I could have just sent you an email instead at this rate.
the dialog is controllable... you have control on a per person, per group, or per unknown caller basis...
i just turned it off for my friends group and my family group... of course it brings in all my contacts from gmail so now all i have to do is update those contacts with phone numbers either manually or as i receive calls/texts from them.
a down side to turning the dialog off is that you no longer receive the messages in googles voicemail system (they show up on your phones voicemail instead).
check out my tsfl website to see an example of their call widget. if you use that widget and it goes to voicemail, you will hear a custom greeting that i created just for those calls. pretty neat :).
Is it just me or is this crap that J posted now working I hear nothing.
i think it stopped working because i deleted that voicemail... you snooze you lose :P
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