Friday, July 31, 2009

you get him boy

Get involved contact your representative and tell them to support HR1207 (in the house) and S 604 (in the senate)

monkey pig

there, now you won't be able to eat dinner either.

freak pig born in china. ugliest...thing...ever

half day today

i got an unexpected half day at work today after the power went out in our building with no sign of it coming back on.

what sucks is that i remember when i used to look forward to occurrences like this back when i was in school. now all i can think is how much i am not getting done at work. unfortunately, deadlines don't slip because you lost a day to the utility company.

oh well, what does everyone else do with their days off? i am at home on a weekday and it's 100+ outside. right now i see my options as chores, xbox, or reading.


Did you get my message the other day?

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Tell us about your move...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Another hour long video from everyone's favorite economist (or maybe just mine)

Friday, July 24, 2009


This kid couldn't figure out that this was wrong to do? What about the fact that doing it in the game gets police to chase you?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Orleans

Off to the Big Easy for Asa's bachelor party.  Should be a great time!

Googe Voice

Got my google voice invite today, am totally stoked. I got the number 48-48-JSAMMY... (484)857-2669.

To give you an idea of what google voice is, here is the default voicemail that you receive when you sign up.

Also, for all you damn text-aholics... I can send and receive texts for free. So please text my google voice number from now on.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Crazy Aussies

Nick, are they related to you?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Website Question?

Hey guys I have a question for you. Irene is looking for a host/site and wanted some suggestions on where it would be best to get it started. Obviously she would prefer a host/site that works well with pictures as she is looking to have a portfolio website. She just did a mini photo shoot with two of her dresses she designed and would like to get them on the web. At first it just needs to be simple something where people can go to see the dresses nothing to complicated. I believe she has registered a domain name already. Not sure if my host/site terminology is correct, but I think you get what I am asking. Anyway any suggestions would be very helpful.

I had no good suggestions as the only website I have made is nickville and well as awesome as it was it was not the most sophisticated.

PS You can thank Rory's for making me take it down, but do not fret I saved most of the good stuff on my computer.

Rory is a beeoooooooootch.

The finished product!

Aside from a few very small finishing touches, the arcade cabinet is finally done. Getting the TV mounted was an absolute pain in the ass, but we got it done. Here's some pics of the final product running a few choice games.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Food Update x2

Let me start right off by saying that I passed on free donuts today. Let me repeat that. Somebody walked into my office, presented me with my choice of donut from a selection of donut wonders. And I said... nay, I shall pass.

Food Log:
6 am: Oatmeal (M)
9 am: Vanilla Shake (M)
12 pm: Chic-fila Salad
3 pm: Chocolate pudding (M)
7 pm: Cinnamon Roll Crunch bar (M)
9 pm: Unknown...

Houston, we have a problem. We actually don't have enough products to last until our order arrives. So we will have to go half time for a bit until then. Poor planning on my part. Oh well, you live, you learn.. and get luvs.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Food Update

So today I faced my first battle with Mr. Will Power... and lost.

We had free pizza at work and you all know my soft spot for free food.

The good part is that I felt like crap the rest of the day so I will probably be more likely to resist next time, the bad part is that my indulgence kicked me out of fat burning and restarted the 3-day counter to get back into fat burning.

Food log:
6 am: Oatmeal (M)
9 am: Premixed Vanilla Shake (M)
11:30 am: Blueberry shake (M)
12 pm: 2 slices of pizza hut pizza (sausage, peppers, onions)
3 pm: Chocolate pudding (M)
6 pm: Parmesan Cheese Puffs (M)
9 pm: Chicken and wild rice soup (M)

As you can see, I tried to anticipate my temptation and pre-load with some proteins a half hour before the pizza. It kind of worked as I used to eat four pieces and today only had two.


Ole and Drew, when is a good time to call you? I will set up a three way call with each of you and with my mom so that she can explain the program and I can learn from her. I think if you both did it as a competition of sorts, that you would be increasing your likelihood of success.

For those of you who do not need to be on the program as clients, the health coach opportunity is really a great opportunity to earn some extra cash. As an example, my mom has been at it for a few years now and is earning an extra 6k a month and growing. If anyone is interested in this side of the business, I can also set up a three way call. Just let me know.


Outie until tomorrow,

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back on the health wagon

The past three weeks (NYC, Connecticut, Adam's Wedding, Vegas, Phoenix) have put a hurt on my waistline. I probably gained a solid 5 lbs from all of the eating out.

So to get a jump start back on the health wagon, I have started on the Take Shape for Life program. This is the same program that my mom used to lose 60lb in 4 months.

I will try it out for a few weeks. This is a dual-effort. On one hand I will get back down to my fighting weight. On the other hand, I will learn about the program and its products since I intend to become a part-time health coach in the program. My mom has been health coaching for the past few years and is making really good money at it while helping others at the same time.

Today is my second day on the program and so far so good. Will update as progress is made (or not made).

Food journal for today:
6 am: Oatmeal (M)
9 am: Vanilla shake (pre-mixed,M)
10:30 am: Crisps (snack,M)
12 pm: Jimmy John's #1 unwich
3 pm: Crunch bar (M)
6 pm: Strawberry shake (M)
9 pm: Chocolate pudding (*,M)

*- Anticipated
M- Medifast Product

Monday, July 13, 2009

Next to last arcade post!

Remaining tasks:
- Construction of the control panel base.
- Wiring.
- Mount the monitor.
- ...
- Profit!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Taking over the world

Link in title. Google is taking over the world!

Friday, July 03, 2009

More pics from the wedding

I think you guys will like the Lebron action shot.