Cheer up Gator fans! One lose doesn't destroy your season. Have you forgotten that y'all won a National title with one loss? Remember that going undefeated in the SEC actually hurts your chances of playing for a title.
Your Tebow man-crushs and stalker tendencies will return soon enough, and you can continue to sleep soundly knowing that you do not have Auburn's offense or FSU's coaching staff.
I was just having a hotty toddy. Will discuss the game later.
I think I officially had a "perfect" week in football.
1. Gators lose
2. Miami lose
3. FSU wins
4. Jags win
5. I win in both Fantasy leagues.
What the hell is a hotty toddy? Is that like the queer version of a Hot Toddy, the great Irish drink of honey and warm whiskey?
Funny stuff Alex nicely done. Now all of our teams have the same record again let the second season begin.
FSU can take a big step this weekend in beating Miami. I know they are only 2-2, but I think it will be a good gauge of where we are as a team. Plus it is always nice to beat a team you HATE.
Alex you got to be happy you do not live in Bama right now it would have to be very annoying to hear everybody all over Bama's balls.
We have clients in AL and they were useless on Saturday afternoon till Sunday afternoon. When we did get them on the phone they told us they could not do anything because Alabama was playing Georgia. So pissed.
Mississippi sucks we were just giving them something to live for other than govt cheese and Nascar.
i still haven't woken up from this dream i had on saturday where we gave away 10 points in 5 minutes on two turnovers and had an extra point blocked... i mean a fucking extra point, really?
at least the season is still early and atlanta (which is always the first goal) is still within reach... but a fucking extra point, come on...
I know you typed honey and warm whiskey... but I swear all I read was piss and vomit. GAG.
Tough loss kids, give it seven years or so... you start to get used to it. GO NOLES! :)
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