Friday, September 26, 2008

Who am I?

Who am I?

I am known for being a political reformer.

I cleaned up the Republican Party, uncovering corruption and graft.

I was mayor of my home town.

I went after corruption within the police force.

I have a large family and some question if I should be in government with young children to raise.

I love to hunt.

I hunt moose.

I hunt other big game.

I hunt wolves.

I was Governor of my state...but...

After less than two years as governor I was chosen as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Now you know who I am!

Theodore Roosevelt! – Of Course!


Andrew said...

If I say it once, I will say it 1000 times, Sarah Palin was a terrible pick. We officially nominated Jill Gabler, my first grade teacher, to be VP. What what Stewart Elementary School reference. Although I like the comparison of Teddy to Sarah, except Teddy was Governor of NY not Alaskas. He went to Harvard and Columbia Law (did not graduate from there). Served terms in the state assembly of NY, was the Sec. of the Navy, fought in a couple wars. But hell if this is the crap that gets people to vote for the GOP, I am all for it.

Adam said...

I don't care what people say, I like her. Unlike everyone else on the campaign trail, I feel like I can trust her and I don't feel like she is being smug or talking down to people. She is going to reel in votes from folks who feel alienated by sleazy politicians. Plus I love the Tina Fey impersonation!!

Andrew said...

So Adam, what flavor was the kool-aid tonight? With the vomit you are drinking it must be the good shit, like the Grape MD 20/20 version of kool-aid.