I know most of you don't care, but we went to Game 1 of the ALDS between the Rays and the White Sox. This was important because it was the first Rays playoff game in their somewhat short history. It was a pretty spectacular game, and the Rays won 6-4 with the help of the soon to be AL rookie of the year Evan Longoria hitting 2 home runs in his first 2 at-bats. I'll be at the game tonight as well, cheering for the Rays. If they win this series, and the Red Sox beat the Angels in theirs, I may actually get to see the Red Sox in a playoff series in person for the first time! Here's some pics of the crowd and the giant flag from the pre-game.

That is bad ass! I never usually watch baseball but since the Rays are in it, I have found myself caring. I watched the game on TV and it was actually a really good game. Eric, you should do the whole blue mohawk thing so we can all see you on TV.
Besides opening night I have never seen the trop that packed. They are a exciting team and I hope they beat the Shit Sox.
Go Rays!!
PS If it is Rays v Bo Sox everybody up here is going to jump on the bandwagaon I can see it happening already.
Eva Longoria plays baseball AND acts?? That's just amazing. I bet the team showers are a popular place after games. Oh wait...
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