Monday, September 08, 2008


Well you knew this picture would get on the blog sooner or later. A truly glorious end to a great party. Allie and I couldn't have had a better time with everyone. I have some other random pictures that I uploaded here. Everyone please post what they have also. I know there were lots of good group pictures taken.

Eric and Christina, thanks again for a wonderful weekend and we wish you all the best together. Be sure to post some pictures of your cruise ship sailing through the hurricane.


Andrew said...

I was hoping someone posted about this. How was the wedding? I spent the day in the office not doing anything, but here none-the-less. And is that vomit on the van? And if it is who booted?

Alex said...

The van is a result of a solid team effort from the Sammys.

The wedding was fantastic. The most fun I have had at a wedding.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was definitely a great time. We need to all get together more often.

Jenny said...

Thanks guys! I'll def have to add that pic to my latest scrapbook. ;-)

We also had a fantastic time visiting with you all. You are all welcome to travel out West anytime. It would be great to see you more often!

Andrew said...

Love it. I really wish i could have made it down there. I am glad to hear that you all were attempting to play the superior version of Beirut. Delta Rules are the best.

Adam said...

Yeah the beirut didn't really work out. And then I got super super hammered so there was really no chance it would happen. We just used the caps like ping pong balls. Good times all around though.

Leighton said...

Seriously...I had a BLAST! I'm with Al on time @ a wedding. Table "FUN" really represented itself well. Nicely done team.

Nick D said...

It was very fun I had a great time. I have a lot of these "motion" pictures that Rory had everybody taking they are pretty funny I will give him that.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I forgot about those.

Logan said...

Fun table rules!

Andrew said...

We just need to have a beach house party around Christmas or whenever we can get everyone together for a night of debauchery.

Nick D said...

Well I will be in btown for a week around xmas time so if you are coming down let me know!

FUN Rules!!