Wednesday, September 03, 2008

master of the master

So I have nearly finished my upstairs cabling. The following is from the wiring of my master bedroom. Due to my ridiculously stupid attic, I ended up pulling the baseboards up and routing behind them.

Here is the first run poking through the back of my master bedroom wall.

The pulled up baseboard then continues through a closet and into the hallway.

A shot from down the hallway shows the extent of the removed baseboard.

Here the cable has made the long journey through the trough.

A close-up of the start.

And of the end (where it disappears is up into an interior wall where I have attic access).

One side of the tunnel I had to make behind the door frame.

And the other side of said tunnel.

Here's a shot of the near-finished product. Here I have just loosely put the baseboards back into place. What remains is to fix them into place (using friend's nail gun), caulk, and paint. The remainder of the finish work will have to wait until we get back from FL.

And finally the finished plate.

All that remains is the plate in the living room downstairs. Luckily, this drop was a good proving ground and a similar technique will let me do the downstairs without too much more effort.

I am also happy to report that as of right now, I have no reason to ever go back into my attic. That is unless I decide to completely fill that sweat-box with blown-in insulation :).


Leighton said...

Damn Jae...that is a lot of ball busting work. It must really awesome to go through all that.

Nick D said...

I am impressed. I think you could pick up a side job if you wanted to.

Adam said...

I love home improvement. I just finished doing crown molding in my apartment... all by hand. No power saw and no nail gun. Let's just say there was a lot of wood putty being used. End product looked really good though.