Wednesday, September 17, 2008

AIG and Football

Well looks like it was a good decision on my part to leave AIG. At the time I was struggling with leaving a big well established firm to a smaller firm one that might fold due to the economy. Well luckily I made the right choice. I am also partly stunned the fed bailed them out.

Anyway looking forward to FSU first real test this weekend or for that matter the first ranked team any of our teams have played yet. I have high hopes for this weekend I have been drinking the Jimbo Fisher cool aid that is for sure.


FSU 30 Wake 17

UF 35 Tenn 24

Aub 10 LSU 17


Logan said...

Hmmm, Two bold predictions....

FSU beating Wake


Auburn putting 10 points on the board.

Jae said...

are things crazy in nyc with all these companies folding up... do you see a lot more bums now, but dressed in suits?

these are crazy times we live in.

btw, i like how now that logan and alex live together, they have a better idea of how to push each others buttons.

Nick D said...

Yea I figured AU would get a another FG and a special teams TD or something...haha j/k Alex..but not really.

It is crazy when you walk out of your building and you see news vans camped outside of AIG interviewing people when the leave can not be a good feeling for them.

Leighton said...

I'm with you on FSU this year...I have some pretty high hopes, and I'm a believer again.

On a side note, I think I chose the wrong profession...I should have been a doctor or some other science. This market shit sucks.

Adam said...

Not exactly sure why the government had to bail AIG out... I know they think it will help ease the market but it looks like shit again today. I am more scared that other companies will continue their risk taking strategies planning on Uncle Sam to fork over some dough in the end. I am sure CNBC will somehow blame this on George Bush.

Alex said... bastards!

I know we look bad, but hopefully y'all will eat your words this weekend. At least, the defense is bad ass. Zero third down conversions by MSU last week was pretty nice.

You FSU boys might not want to talk any trash about football, considering FSU is now where top rated athletes go to die.

Anyway, I guess I should be more optimistic considering MSU beat Auburn last year, but we were still able to put the smack down on UF at home!

Morgan said...

Damn shame we aren't playing again this year Alex. A healthy Harvin would dominate your defense plus Mr. Tebow, who has a class right after mine!!! He's huge, much bigger than he looks on tv....

Rory said...

We might be playing yet. Its far away but an SEC Championship game matchup is a possibility.

Alex said...

Well Morgan, I heard the same song and dance last year and the year before that, so please keep talking. ;)

Also, you may want to ask Jae about wanting to play Auburn. He seems to look at things differently.

If Auburn does not improve drastically, then there is no way we make it to Atlanta. However, despite our current problems, I wouldn't think any Gator fan would hope to play Auburn again this year.

Amanda said...

Funny you should say that Adam, because CNBC is the only channel I get on the two TV's in my tiny gym, and Bill Clinton is currently being interviewed and talking about how great Democrats are going to end up looking after all of this. I'm not sure what he's saying exactly because I muted it and put the radio on, right after Kanye West came on to say how much Bush hates black people.

Andrew said...

While I know nothing about the football contests, except that having watched football games with the LSU, UF and Auburn Alumni chapters in DC, LSU hands down wins for "talent." Except I did meet one girl who dated Blake Gill in college, she did not think it was amusing that I compared his intelligence to mango.