Submitted for your approval (actually just to vent) is my conversation:
Vijaya K: Hi, my name is Vijaya K. How may I help you?I wish I could fly over to India and kick this person's ass. They only have a few billion people right, how hard could they be to find? The worst part which is not conveyed here is the incredibly long delays that I had to endure between responses. It was like they were typing with their f-in toes. I fucking hate outsourcing.
Jae: I am a USAA member and can get a 20% discount through USAA. See the following website:
I started my tax return through the regular turbotax website before knowing about the discount. How can I get the discount now that I am ready to pay?
Vijaya K: If I have understood you correctly, you want to pay the discount amount for the turbotax. Am I right and how are you doing today ?
Jae: Yes that's correct. I will be doing better once you help me out.
Vijaya K: I request you to pay for the product and get back to us we will process you the refund for the 20% discount.
Jae: I want you to apply the discount before I pay.
Vijaya K: I am really sorry to say that it is not possible. I request you to pay for the product and get back to us we will process you the refund for the 20% discount.
Jae: Who do I contact regarding the refund?
Vijaya K: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Jae: You didn't answer my question. Who do I contact regarding the refund?
Vijaya K: you can call us through chat or through phone. I have answered this before.
Jae: I think that I am going to pay, and then never get a refund. Your answer is unacceptable.
Vijaya K: I can surely say that you will get your 20% discount.
Jae: The discount amounts to larger than the 20%. The price listed in the website I gave you was $11.95 for Turbo tax basic, and $20.75 for the state. The price I am seeing when I go to pay is $14.95 and $29.95 for the state. If you add it up it is more than 20%.
Jae: It is more complicated than me simply calling back and asking for a refund. Why can't you flag my account as being deserving of the discount so it will be applied when I go to pay?
Jae: If you are not allowed to do this, I want to be transfered to someone who can.
Vijaya K: I am really sorry say that no one will be able to provide the promo code for the 20% discount. I request you to pay for the product and get back to us we will process you the refund for the 20% discount.
Jae: I find it hard to believe there is nobody that can help me, my problem is not that difficult. It will probably take me hours and hours after-the-fact if I try to get a refund. I want to be transfered to someone with more permissions.
Vijaya K: I am really sorry say that no one will be able to provide the promo code for the 20% discount. I request you to pay for the product and get back to us we will process you the refund for the 20% discount.
Jae: Now you are just copying and pasting your previous responses. Can you transfer me?
Vijaya K: I am really sorry to say that you have to pay for the product first And call us back to get the refund for the discount amount this is how it works for all.
Jae: That is not the intended way for your user to get the discount. If I would have entered my information through the link in my USAA account, the discount would be applied prior to checking out. The problem is because I entered my information through the typical website.
Jae: I need to talk with someone else to at least get the same answer from another person. Let me talk with your supervisor.
Vijaya K: Could you please tell mew that how much it is asking you to pay.
Jae: It wants me to pay $14.95 + $29.95 + $29.95.
Jae: It should be $11.95 + $20.75 + $20.75.
Vijaya K: I am really sorry to say that you have to pay for the product first And call us back to get the refund for the discount amount this is how it works for all.
Jae: Let me talk with your supervisor to get their response.
Vijaya K: our spper visor will say the same response.
Jae: I can't take your word for what someone else will say. Let me speak with him/her.
Vijaya K: this is the promo code 99RHPF3757FN
Vijaya K: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Jae: That code did not work, it said it has expired.
Vijaya K: I request you to try this promo code 4LA3XYREAVUW
Jae: That one has also expired.
Vijaya K: I am really sorry to inform you that you have to pay for the product first And call us back to get the refund for the discount amount this is how it works for all.
Jae: Since you have been helping me, can I have your direct line so that I can call you directly to proceed with my refund after I pay?
Vijaya K: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Jae: Since you have been helping me, can I have your direct line so that I can call you directly to proceed with my refund after I pay?
Vijaya K: I request you to make a call to this number---> 1-888-777-3066
Jae: What number is that?
Vijaya K: that is turbotax sales and service.
Jae: Ok, do you have something that I can use to refer to you personally when I call back? Like an employee number?
Vijaya K: we have a record that say USAA customer will get 20% discount on the federal and the state.
Jae: Do you have a promotion code for that?
Vijaya K: no. we dont provide the promo code.
Jae: So we're back to the refund then. I would like your employee number so that I can refer to who helped me when I call back and ask for a refund.
Vijaya K: I will e- mail you the reference number of this chat.
Jae: Can you paste it in the chat in case the email doesn't go through?
Vijaya K: I will be able to see the reference number once you disconnect the Chat.
First of all, if you were getting charged 29.95 for the State return you already have a problem; the regular price for the state is 25.95, as stated on the website. That is why your 20% off calculation was incorrect.
I take it you couldn't just not pay, cancel, and start over from the link on the correct website?
I could but it would have been a pain in the ass (which is the nature of taxes). Damn you floridians and you no state taxes. I had to file 2 this year.
I agree fuck turbotax. For some reason when the processed my state tax they found an error in how I typed in the state code (which was incorrectly listen on my W-2). So i fixed it and turbotax says your return is correct but you can not efile you have to mail. So i proceed to do a chat with somebody to figure out why but of course they have NO FUCKING CLUE why i cant efile. So i have to mail my return which of course will dramatically delay my return. I mean shit I payed them near $30 to do shit for me. Jerks.
Jae I am sorry but that is the funniest thing i have seen in a while. "you are just copying and pasting your responses". I almost shit myself....ahaha. Your a strongman J I might have killed somebody.! $19.95 to my return in less than 2 weeks! This is the 3rd year in a row I have used them and can't see a reason to change. Funny shit though Jae!
Yeah La has that stupid state tax too, but it is balanced by the fried food ratio. I am finally back online after dealing with the glory that is SuddenLink Cable services.
PS HRblock is the way to go I did Cristina's with Turbo Tax and mine with HRblock much better and my return came back quicker.
What are taxes?
Haha...Alex...don't worry, you will be more of them soon...
Well since you nancy boys elected a bunch of Dems across the country, we are going to have to be paying more and more taxes, bastards
To Drew: I am riding the subway this lovely friday morning and my attention turns to a sign in the subway. The sign says something along lines of would you like enough room in your closet for even cheney to be liberal. It is some mini storage company or some shit i dont know but it absolutely infuriated me. All I can say is thankgod for absentee votes. And it got me to thinking. Only people who live in such a blue state as this have an ad like that to sell there product (pathetic). And it probably works. Hell they have a fucking dyke as their senator. Enough said.
I had a liquid lunch for work watching the FSU game I am a bit riled up.
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