Monday, March 26, 2007

Planet Earth

Did anyone else watch this show in HD? Cause it is badass!!


Nick D said...

Is it on the Discovery Channel? Because I wanted to watch it but forgot. I think i saw a preview for it when i was watching The Dealiest Catch. Throw me some info LB.

Logan said...

Yea, thats the one. There was 3 hours of it on last night. We put the surround sound on too.

Alex said...

I was watching The Deadliest Catch and I caught the beginning of Planet Earth. Seemed like a good show.

I am really looking forward to the new season of Deadliest Catch that starts a week from tomorrow. Only bad part is that it starts the same day as the Xbox 360 release of Guitar Hero.

Nick D said...

Does anybody have any news on the Guitar Hero for the Wii? Yea next tuesday at nine for the new Deadliest Catch...which I am looking forward to as well.

Planet earth looks badass just checked it out on the Discovery Channel website. Sundays at 8.

Leighton said...

I have been waiting for the series for some time now and it was worth the wait! The show is the perfect exampl of why I bought a plasma HD TV. Simply amazing.