Monday, March 26, 2007

Got a new they say that anymore...Whip?

2006 F250 Diesel and yes Jae, I do have the train horn!


Nick D said...

Wait let me check...yea I just messed my pants. Well I am even more impressed after seeing the pics logan. Looks like you are riding in style now. That thing already looks nice and jacked up to. I dont know if that term is still used. But what do I know I have not drove a car since Christmas.

You know what the say about a man who has to get a big truck right???????

Hopefully rory will check the blog soon, he will have the best response.

Logan said...

He has a lot to tow around?

Jae said...

Very nice beal, the leather tops it all off nicely. Whadya get 2, 3 mpg? Why don't you drive on out here and help me move out of my apartment in April?

Logan said...

I get 20mpg on the highway! about 16-17 in town. Which is better than my old truck!

Nick D said...

I think it would be cheaper for him to fly out there and then rent a truck for you. Eitherway very nice sir. Looks like your straight big pimpin and spendin the G's. Beal be big pimpin on b-l-a-d-es. You def need to put some like 22-24 inch shoes on that bad boy.

Logan said...

paleeeez, I already gots 20's

Nick D said...

shiiiiit nigga not bad

Leighton said...

Well, apparently we all picked the wrong profession. Beal goes to school, becomes a boat captain spending time drinking in the Bahamas and fishing...then comes back to the states to buy a $40K+ bad-ass truck. I'm glad I'm your friend Logan.

Leighton said...

I just noticed that was the King's Ranch now we are pushing about $50k? Damn you.

Jae said...

You should hit up them chinese restaurants and make yourself some bio-diesel.

Logan said...

It's used and I got it at wholesale. I gots connections. The original sticker had it at 52k. After that, they added the train horn, tinted windows and the computer so I can set it for performance, economy, or towing.

Adam said...

Is there a computer setting for killing? If so, could you take a road trip up to Boston? That thing looks like it could run over plenty of bicyclists.

Jae said...

I saw one of those computer's on Trucks! on Spike TV. It looked awesome. What hookups you got?

Nick D said...

I have never seen a person dislike a city so much and yet live there for about 6-7yrs once med school finished up. I agree Real Deal you could rack up some serious points with all those bastards in boston running and cycling everywhere.

PS Jae I think Logan is gay so I dont think he knows what Spike TV is.

Logan said...

I usually only watch lifetime.

Nick D said...

I like watching TLC...Small people big world is always a good show to watch...not to mention I usually laugh during most of it.