Tuesday, March 20, 2007

more pics


Leighton said...

Nice pics Log! As I sit at my desk and deal with small office drama everyday...you get to hang out and fish in the Bahamas, and get paid. I hate you.

Nick D said...

Not going to lie logan those look like some badass fish. Well clearly i have no choice but to pass the word on to Martin Sullivan (CEO of AIG) to go fishing with Logan the Real Deal Homie Feal.

And next time you go to the bahama's at least get one photo of a hot chick doing something. Remember logan I heart boobies.

Adam said...

That rusty sunken ship is awesome! Try not to end up like that though...

Jae said...

If you look closely, there is a woman in one of logan's pictures. Right underneath the tazmanian devil. :)

Logan said...

OOOOOHHHHHH, you wanted pictures of hot chicks. OOOOKKK. Well know I know. But we were on an island that was about 1/3 the size of anna maria and the only girls there were the bahamains. I dont think you wanted to see them....
That bar with all the shirts was about the size of a closet. It was called end of the world bar. It is supposed to be where Hemmingway liked to drink. It has sand floors and cold Kalik!

Nick D said...

Ok you get a full pass on that one. The bar sounds like a pretty sweet place though.