Saturday, March 10, 2007


Just got back from seeing the movie "300" and I gotta say...UN-FUCKIN-BELIEVABLE!!!! You guys have to go see it. One of the best movies I have ever seen.


Eric said...

Sweet, I'm planning to see it very soon, possibly tonight. I've been looking forward to this one for a while.

Jae said...

We're heading to go see it now, we'll let everyone know what we think when we get back.

Eric said...

And yes, it was awesome. There were some crazy looking characters... what was the deal with that mountain goat playing the mandolin in that orgy scene?

Jae said...

It was an orgy scene, anything goes baby! It was an awesome movie. Slow-mo decapitations make me moist. I want to know how I get an eight-pack of abs!...

Oh ya, I heart boobs.

Adam said...

Jae you should submit that review of yours to Rotten Tomatoes! It makes me want to see it even more.

Leighton said...

Seriously...this mavie had it all...great action, crazy cinematics, some unexpected humor, and of course boobies!!

Jae is right...orgy=anything goes.