Sunday, February 04, 2007

Super Bowl Predictions

Yeah, so I know its a few hours before game time, but if anyone checks this, lets seee who has the best prediction.

The winner will get an all expense paid evening with Pam Divincenzo....courtesy of Nick. Good luck fellas.

My prediction: Bears 29-27...yeah i'm going high scoring. By the way, this prediction is based on no research whatsoever, haha.


Alex said...

I think the Bears will win because of their defense. However, I would love to see Peyton Manning get the ring.

Bears 24 - Colts 17

Jae said...

I think Rex will put the team on his shoulders and carry them into victory. Go Gato... I mean Bears!

B 27 - C 21.

Adam said...

MVP Rex Grossman. For the Colts! What an ass. If that guy is still playing next year, I'm not going to watch football. Maybe he was too busy getting ready to celebrate President's Day that he didn't really concentrate. I'm sure he'll have another great excuse like the Packers game. Thanks, UF for grooming such a worthless individual.

Leighton said...

I think the Colts will win 29-27;) SOOO glad Dungy, Manning, and Harrison got a championship...they deserve it! Go Colts!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Whoa Adam, Rex should shoulder some of the blame, but not all. He went 20-28 with 167 yards, TD and 2 INTs. The Bears couldn't do anything. The defense couldn't get off the field (Bears only had 19 plays on offense the first half). Also, their running game couldn't get started and the protection for the quarterback sucked. He'll be the starter next year for sure....this was his first season as a starter!

On a side note, I wanted the Bears to win, but I'm glad Dungy got the championship. The man deserves it...he's been through a lot and a couple of rough playoffs. I still hate Manning, haha.

Alex said...

You need to add a fumble to Grossman's stats, since he dropped what looked to be a good snap.

I am glad Dungy got the win, and I am also happy to see Rex lose. That guy is extremely cocky for a below average quarterback.

Anonymous said...

Cocky?! Haha, you just hate 'cause he a Gator.

Adam said...

I hate because he sucks...
Can anyone justify Manning as MVP though? I really don't think there was anyone outstanding that game, besides Grossman who was outstandingly awful. I wish this was soccer and we were in Venezuela so people would have killed him after (or better yet, during) the game. Well kill is a strong word, let's just have someone rip off his throwing arm. That's more pleasant.

Those stats for Rex are deceiving too. It is pretty hard not to have a high completion percentage when you throw screen passes all night.

Sorry to go crazy here, but I need some form of venting. Thanks for being good listeners.

Adam said...

P.S. Vinatieri missed a short field goal too! That was the consolation prize for the evening.

Alex said...

Very true, Rory! I have never liked Rex Grossman, but that doesn't change the fact that he sucks. He may get better with time but I think most Bears fans stopped saying that half way through the season.

I did enjoy Rex's stat during the game "198 passing yards, 97 interception return yards." It summed things up nicely.