Thursday, February 22, 2007

Finally a Break

I just spent an entire hour reading up on everything I missed. I've been fishing about 8 trips a week for the last couple of weeks. Gotta make that dough!

Lots of good news goin on around here.
Amanda - congrats
Nick - about damn time (and by that I mean congrats)
Josh - always doin crazy stuff, congrats on the new job

I got good news too.
I just got a raise!
I have the next 3 days off
I am going to the bahamas for work on the boat on wed for 10 days! (someone has to get paid to drive the yacht around the bahamas)


Nick D said...

Let me get this straight. You just got a raise for fishing and for going to the bahamas for 10 days. I hate you (and by that I mean congrats of course). That a boy Logan Real Deal Homiefeal.

Amanda said...

I finally take a step in the right direction and there y'all go again one-upping me. Sons of bitches. I miss you guys.

Leighton said...

Logan, I think you have the right idea. Here I sit at a computer all f'n day and can't get a on the other hand spend 10 days in the Bahamas and you get a raise. son of a bitch:)

Jae said...

I say we all quit and become competing fishing boat captains... or on the other hand, let's all become pirates and give Logan some real work to do! Congrats man ;).

Nick D said...

I like Jae's idea of being pirates, we can even get logan in on this deal. Have him only bring the richest clients, then we rob them at sea. We can give logan like eh...5% or some shit. My pirate name is El Muerte.

Adam said...

Okay there Morty