Saturday, February 10, 2007

OSX and XP working happily together

Lately I've been playing with the new beta version of Parallels (a program that runs virtual machines) and I was so impressed with the new feature, called "coherence", that I had to post it here. Instead of running XP in a window on my OSX desktop or in full screen, I can now run the two together seamlessly. There is full drag-and-drop and copy-paste functionality between operating systems, and folders can also be shared between them. For those of you asking why, this is great for testing newly developed websites on all possible browsers, and also allows you to run programs that are only available for windows on a mac without having to switch between operating systems (as was previously the case with parallels before this feature).


Anonymous said...

did that come with your mac or did you buy parallels?
cause thats amazing

Eric said...

Parallels came with my mac, I got it from Otherwise, parallels costs $80.

Jae said...

Have you been workin' on some kewl new websites? Or are you refering to doing work at home? If not, let's see some links so we can check it out.