Monday, February 05, 2007

Moving On

I have officially resigned from my post at Wachovia, I am not sure if they will let me stay for tomorrows work day. If they tell me to pack up and go home tomorrow I will not be so SOL. I have made a list of how best to fill my time, but if anyone has any ideas I am open to suggestion. Keep in mind the weather is very non-Florida.


Eric said...

How about finding another job? It would have been a good idea to have another lined up if you planned on outright quitting your job... What prompted you to quit, anyway? Well, at least you won't have to make that ridiculously long drive from Tampa to Bradenton and back every day. I wish you luck on your unemployment, may you find your true calling.

Jae said...

You should have gotten yourself fired instead so you could collect unemployment. Maybe start a small fire in the bathroom, push the "panic" alarm button and say you had a Big Mac Attack. Strip off all your clothes and dance on your desk when some old lady opens up a new account.

Since you missed the opportunity to do that, I'd say just relax. You'll be back in the work force doing the 9-5 thing before you know it. Maybe get your ass down to that gym at your apartmet complex and work off that bank-belly.

Nick D said...

I like Jae's idea much better.I say you go onto unemployment if all else fails. Give it a try see if you can survive a little bit. Yea you have to "look" for a job but you can do that and still play video games and catch some R&R. Just live it up my man and maybe look for a job in Tampa...where you live.

Josh said...

I have another job and added about 20 grand in the process.It just requires a little bit of a relocation. I would never leave if I didn't already have a firm offer waiting. I am feeling more of a half-baked style exodus. So come visit me in Louisiana. We have a few casino's.

Jae said...

I hear it floods there, that true? ;)

Nick D said...

Wow...10 points for that location. Where in Louisiana?

Eric said...

I like how you just throw that in there like an afterthought, Josh. The original post says that you quit your job and you're looking for stuff to kill time. Then in the comments you tell us, oh, by the way, I have a job, and come visit me in Louisiana, because that's where I'll be... That info may have been important while considering how to answer your original post.

So considering this new information, when are you moving up there? Is Cristina moving with you? Have you found an apt/house there?

Leighton said...

I'm with Eric...we need more info here. Louisiana is a large state...can you be more specific? What will you be doing now? Come on are better than that!

Nick D said...

*cough* bullshit...sorry josh i think i had something in my throat.

Josh said...

I start at the end of this month in Lake Charles La. In between Houston and New New Orleans. The job is for the new AT&T, I am heading out over president's day weekend to find a place. Harah's and Pinnacle just built new casino's there. I am doing a moving away party at my place on Feb. 23rd.

Josh said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nick D said...

Looks like the only ones holding down the btown fort are now the mousseaus. As the great R Kelly said "spring your wings and fly away".