Sorry she just would not let me out of bed this morning. The super bowl was fun as hell. I never even made it down to southbeach. We were staying with joey and that is pretty much an hour from him. But we were partying like rockstars at the hardrock where Anna Nicole Smith died. That place is simply awesome. Tons of bars, nightclubs and restaurants. And I had a experience that will last forever. Long story short. This girl came up to me said she liked me we started talking. She told me she was in penthouse yada yada yada. We begin making out. She gives me her number. I manage to mess it up putting in my phone cuz I was extremely drizzy ( I already had an ashley in my phone and did not say overite the number). Some how it was the best/worst moment of talking to girls. Dont see why she would lie she told me she had a kid as well so i believed her. One for the record books my friends.
Nick D over and out.
PS Yes i tried to find her on penthouse but did not feel like paying to search the site.
Yeah, answer those questions, and then post your Wii code.
Stop banging Rory's sister and pay attention to the blog!
Sorry she just would not let me out of bed this morning. The super bowl was fun as hell. I never even made it down to southbeach. We were staying with joey and that is pretty much an hour from him. But we were partying like rockstars at the hardrock where Anna Nicole Smith died. That place is simply awesome. Tons of bars, nightclubs and restaurants. And I had a experience that will last forever. Long story short. This girl came up to me said she liked me we started talking. She told me she was in penthouse yada yada yada. We begin making out. She gives me her number. I manage to mess it up putting in my phone cuz I was extremely drizzy ( I already had an ashley in my phone and did not say overite the number). Some how it was the best/worst moment of talking to girls. Dont see why she would lie she told me she had a kid as well so i believed her. One for the record books my friends.
Nick D over and out.
PS Yes i tried to find her on penthouse but did not feel like paying to search the site.
Wii code: 8574 5711 0494 8124
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